CH 1: A new adventure starts

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Aang POV:

"How close are we too the fire nation Aang? I dont think I cam handle another day of sitting on Appas back" Sokka said looking at the night sky. "We should get there by sunrise" I say. "Aang, are you sure you shouldnt of have dressed more formaly"? Katara questioned looking at the smae outfit I wear everyday, mostly. "I dont see a problem with it, the monks allways were them" I respond frowning a bit at the question.

"This is the FIVE YEAR ANAVERSERY OF THE END OF THE 100 YEAR WAR! And you are fine with dressing like its another day?" Katara questioned. A long pause, Sokka shuffling a bit trying to sleep confortably. "... yes"?. I see katara's eyebrows shift a bit before relaxing. "I just want you too look propper for an event like this." Katara said still sounding slightly annoyed. "Is it that big of an issue, if you want I ca-" I was interupted with Katara saying "No its fine, I'll just be in a dress while my boyfriend is dressed like he just woke up". I look back and see Katara walking away. "Is it that big of a deal, hey Sokka-" I got interupted again with Sokka blurting out "NOT GETTING INVOLVED" as he turns on his side trying to sleep.

I stare at Katara as she lays down and trys to sleep. After a few minutes I think eveeyones asleep and I look down at Appa who is only slightly tired. "I dont know why she has to do this now. She is allways talking to me like im her kid. I just hope she's still not mad tomorow... What do you think Appa?" I say quietly and hear Appa make a quiet growl sound. "I thought so... Dont worry Appa we will be there in just a few hours" I say smiling slightly.

"What ya talking about twinkle toes"? Toph said right behind me, catching me off guard. "OH!, sorry toph I didnt mean to wake you" I say. "Yheah its hard sleeping on this smelly thing." Toph replied to another growl from Appa. "I was just talking to Appa about getting there." I say not prepared for the awkward silence that followed. "So, how have you been Toph"? I question. "Boring, all my students cant metal bend to save their lives. Even Sokka has better chances at bending then them. How about you... trouble in paradice"? Toph said with a slight smirk. "Its fine, Katara's probobly tired. Thats all." I say awkwardly.

"Huh, do you guys do that often?" she questioned. I pause for a momment "Well, recently its been happening sometimes. Not often. Its probobly nothing. Relationships ya know" I replied. "I dont know, Ive never been in one" toph said. "So you never liked someone"? I replied looking at her. She paused before giving a slight smile. "Dont tell anyone. But when I first met you guys I had a small crush on Sokka". I let out a small laugh. "You did"? I say smiling a bit. "Hey, it was like one of those small crushs, I didnt want to and still dont want to date him. Also I cant date anyone because no one can handle this" Toph said flexing her left arm.

"Heh, yheah. No one can handle you... I hope Katara isnt mad at me when she wakes up... Should I dress more formally"? I ask Toph. "Maybe. For all its worth I think you look more then formal". Toph said smiling. "Oh, thanks Toph-... Oh. That isnt worh much then". I say slightly frowning a bit not getting an actual awnser. "I cant wait too go back to the fire nation and see Zuko and Iroh". I say. "Me too. I havnt seen them in a long while" Toph said.

"Did you ever miss not adventuring with us, for all those years"? I asked. Toph paused thinking back too all 4 years. "Yheah, kinda. Although it was fun being the strongest among most of my students and everywhere I went. I still liked being with you guys. You were fun to make fun. Exept for sugar queen, but she's cool too. Did you miss me"? Toph responded. I smiled and said "Of course I did. I missed your sassy remarks, and your confindece". I say, getting a small punch to my back from Toph.

"Thanks. I should probobly go to bed now." Toph says as she walks towards the back of the saddle. "Well that makes just you and me Appa" I say as I look towards the ocean view.

A few hours later and Aang wakes up too see the fire nation in the horizon.

"GUYS WAKE UP WE'RE ALMOST HERE"! I yell towards my friends. "Not now Aang. I was just getting to the good part". Sokka says as he slams his head into the saddle. Katara gets up and walks over to me. "Hey Aang, Im sorry for over reacting. Its fine if you dress like that." Katara says still tired from just waking up. "Its fine Katara, if you still want me too I ca-" I get interupted by Katara. "No, no its fine Aang." She says. I look back towards the fire nation. "Sokka, Toph get up we're going to land in a few minutes.

"So whats the plan, again. I think Momo forgot it." Sokka says. "Lets see. We meet with Zuko during the afternoon, and their should be a festival celebrating Ozai's defeat. After that, we can do anything." Katara says. "I wonder if we will see any old faces. Its been a while since Ive seen Piandao, Smellerbee, or pipsqueak... Now that I think about it, did we ever find out if Jet died? It was so unclear". Sokka remarked. "I dont think he survived Sokka" Toph says slightly more serious.

"Well hopefully we see atleast one of them". I say as Appa lands. "YES"!!! Toph yelled as she jumped right onto the ground. "HOW I MISSED YOU" Toph yells again as she makes two earth pillers with her bending. The rest of us get off of Appa. "We still got some time on our hands, what do you guys want too do" Katara asked everyone smiling. "Well, I want too find Appa a stable" I say. "I want to do some sboping" Sokka put in. "What about you Tpoph" Katara asked. "Im fine with whatever" toph said scratching her face a bit. "Ok so I can go with Aang and put Appa in a stable and you and Sokka can go shoping". Katara said too toph and the others.

Me, Appa, and Katara walked away from Toph and Sokka. "You remember where the stables are, right Aang"? Katara asked. "Yheah. Hey Katara can we talk about something"? I say. "Yheah, whats up". Katara says. "Ive noticed we have been arguing more often. I want to know if you feal... bad when your with me"? I questioned. "WHAT! Aang, of course I dont, why would you think that" Katara said. "We havnt been hanging out as much, and we are starting to butt heads more often. You know what, I was being stupid nevermind". I said. "Hey, your right. Lets do something tomorow. Just you abd me" Katara said with a slight smile. "I'd like that" I responded.

We arive at the stable and a man aproachs us. "If it isnt the avatar. I see you brought Appa again" the guy says as he goes in to pat Appas nose. "Oh, Im Katara nice to meet you" Katara says offering a handshake to him. "Hi Katara, my names Rei. Rei Liu." Rei says shaking her hand. "So how long do you need Appa in my care. A few hours, a day, a week"? Rai asked me. "A day. If everything goes well". I told him. "Ah, hopefully. Crime has jumped up a bit this month." Rei said getting a bit more serious. "Why"? Katara asked. "Honestly Im not sure. Try talking to the fire lord about it. All I know is too keep an extra eye out". Rei said.

"Ok, thanks for telling me, Rei. We gotta run off now. We dont want to have Toph and Sokka waiting too long" I said as I waved him bye and turn around. "NICE SEEING YOU AANG! SINCE YOUR THE AVATAR AND ALL I'LL ONLY NEED THE MONEY IN ADVANCE"! Rei yelled as me and Katara walked away

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