CH 4: The Blind Bandit vs. Twinkle Toes

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Aang POV:

As I leave the stage with Zuko, the thought of the arena, sounded fun. But dagerous. "Did I do well"? Zuko asked me. "YHEAH, you were amazing. But what does annexing mean"? I ask him. "You dont know what that mea- did the monks even have schools"? Zuko responds. "No but they also didnt use propoganda too convince whole generations too take over nations" I say. "Fair... Annexing is too add territory too ones own territory" Zuko says as we catch up too the rest of Team Avatar.

"You did great Zuko. And Aang you were... something" Katara says with a shy laugh. "Thanks Katara. I spent all week making that speech". Zuko says with a faint smile. "HEY TWINCLE TOES" Toph says walking up too me, pointing het index finger at me as she poked my chest. "Oh, um yheah Toph"? I ask looking slightly confused. "Remember the time we first met and it was you vs. Me, the BLIND BANDIT" Toph said making her voice sound like a anouncer hyping up a fight. "Oh, I think I know where this is going". I say with a smile. "I challange you too a rematch in the arena thing. It would be an exciting first match on that arena. But ONE RULE! Twinkle Toes. Only earthbending. Deal?" Toph asks as she raises her hand to me. "Yheah" I say joyfully as I shake her hand.

"Toph are you sure, Aang is still the avatar" Katara asked Toph.  Toph smirked and responded with "Unless Kyoshi graces me with her presence I dont think I should wory about twinkles". I laugh slightly. Sokka claps his hands together. "After all thease years I can enjoy a fight that doesnt involve me and my friends at the brink of death" Sokka says.

In the next 15 minutes the arena is packed with spectators. And in the middle me and Toph "staring" eachother down

"AANG SHOW HER HOW SPIRITUAL YOU CAN GET" Sokka screams before the match is gonna start. "I give a nervous laugh looking at Toph. "Have you been practicing your earth bending"? Toph asks smirking. "Kinda" I replied. "Then I expect nothing but greatness. Less I be burrowing through your premature grave" She says. "Oh yheah one more thing. "Toph leans towards me slightly. "Dont hold back for anything. Im not a blind girl... Im a blind monster". She says giggling slightly after.

"THREE" a referee yells. I feel my mucsles tence slightly as I prepare a battle stance. "TWO". I notice that Toph is focusing on her seismic sence. "ONE, GO" I spring up and pull a boulder from the ground. I fragment the boulder into several disk shapes and throw it at Toph who jumps over 3 of them like a pro before grabbing the last one and turning it into a earth fist. "STOP WITH THE BASICS" Toph yells as she rums towards me and then burrowing into the ground. My eyes widen, this is something I never seen before. Toph bursts out of the ground and punchs me across the face before burrowing back down. I try to think, before remembering that she taught me seismic sence. I feel her digging back up.

The momment she burrows up I grab her wrist and throw her into a pool of water. She walks back up out of the water with slight annoyance on her face. "Oh look at me im the avatar. Watch me waterbend" Toph says in a mocking voice before earthbending the moist mud from the pool of water and launching it into the ground. Before burrowing herself back into the ground. I am suprised. I try too use my seismic sence but its hard to consentrate with the sounds and vibrations of the rushing mud throughout the ground. Before I know it a plume of mud flew right out of the ground that I nearly dodged before Toph emerged and punched me in the gut and into the ground. I look and see Tophs confimdence back. I see her gracefully force the mud off her cloths and body with earthbending.

"So I see you learnt some new tech-" I say before jumping away from the mud that shot out beneath me. "I hate how fast airbenders are" Toph sighs. Before running back towards Aang. "GIVE EM' A LEFT HOOK, NO AN UPPERCUT, ACTUALLY JUST THROW A BOULDER AT EM' ". Sokka yelled towards them from the stands. "Who are you even rooting for" Katara asked. "I dont know, this is all very confusing" Sokka replies with pure amusement from their fight.

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