CH 2: Didnt see it coming

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Toph POV:

It had been roughly an hour since we split off from Aang and Katara. The nice and warm breeze I felt on my face was soothing. Me and Sokka walked through the fire nation back too Aang and Katara. I recalled my conversation with Twinkle toes. "I wonder what its like too date someone. Or love someone that closely. It must be nice." I thought to myself. "No, no. I never opened up myself like that before. So... Also I dont need too argue with anyone Im that close too and get my heart broken". I think again as my face tenses a bit. "Maybe one day" I think as I try to take my mind off it. I feel the ground more closly with my seismic sence. The crowds of people walking around us. The trees that are rooted into the ground. Even ants burrowing into the dirt. Still I couldnt get that thought out my head.

"I hope we didnt leave them waiting fir too long". Sokka said, walking empty handed. "I guess so". I say disintrested with Sokka's comment. Sokka notices that Im thinking about something unusual for me. "Wanna talk Toph"? Sokka asked. My eyes widen in suprise for a secend before forcing them back to normal. "HUH! No, why do you ask" I said swifyly trying to act nonchalant. "I know your upset. Plus you havnt been making any sassy remarks today". Sokka said. "Trust me Im fine." I said agitated. "Come on, I wont make fun of you". Sokka said smirking a bit. "No". I said coldly. "Come on-" Sokka said before getting interupted by me. "Fine. I was thinking about... love"? I say before blushing as I heard a slight burst of laughter covered up by Sokkas hand on his mouth. I didnt need functional eyes too know how wide his grin was by now. "Oh, Toph. How you have grown up. Who's the unlucky guy"? Sokka said sarcastically much too my anoyance. "Its no one. I was just thinking if I could he in a relationship in the future". I say. "Oh, ok then. Why?" Sokka asked. "Its, um. Bec-- I dont know." I responded tilting my head down a little.

"Hey, if you need help with relationship advice. Im your guy." Sokka said pointing at himself. "Sure" I said as I began too smile shyly.

After a few minutes we see Aang and Katara waiting. "Hey Sokka, Toph. Hows it been". Aang says gleefully. "Ok, they didnt have anything I wanted". Sokka said as he starts scratching his head. "And you Toph" Aang says. "It was fine I guess. How bout you Twinkle toes"? I say as I stretched out my arms and yawned. "It was good, Appa's in good hands".

"So now that you two are here, lets go I dont want too be late". Katara said. As we begin walking Sokka slowed down too try too continue the conversation from earlier. "So... why have you been thinking of love. You said you dont know. But I think-". "I dont want to talk about again" I interupted quietly as I walked faster and was now right beside Aang.

"Why dont you just open up maybe he can actually give you some tips- No I dont have time for that" I thought. I kept on thinking. Going deaper and deaper in thought. "How has it been. Its been like what fourish years" katara asked snaping me back to reality. "Fine, smooth like the wind" I say.

"How long is the walk too the royal palace"? I ask. "Shouldnt be too much further" Aang said. After that a long silence followed unti we arrived.

As we entered the palace their were decerations everywhere. And I heard a familiar voice. "As I live and breathe is that Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka. Look how big all of you have grown" Iroh said smiling at all of us. "Its a pleasure to see you again Iroh" Aang says as he takes a bow. "Oh im flattered. Im sure you are eager too meet with Firelord Zuko but Im afraid he is allready swamped with other matters. Just make yourself at home. The festival will begin shortly outside. Zuko told me he will talk to you as soon as he can." Iroh told Aang.

"As Aang, Katara, and Sokka left outside I decided to stay and talk to Iroh. "Iroh, can I talk too you about something" I asked him my face turning one shade red. "Sure, let me heat up some tea. Iroh said gesturing too follow him in the kitchen before pausing and chuckling slightly. "Oh Im sorry, please follow me too the kitchen" Iroh said. As we walked into the kitchen he put a ketal on top of a oven and lit it so it could start too heat up. "What do you want too talk about Toph"? Iroh asked. I paused for a moment trying too think of what too say. "I have been fealing lonely. I feal like I want too love someone. But I cant find that person. I've... Ive been fealing lile this for the past year or so". I say.

"Oh, I see. Love. Love is the most powerful tool anyone can have. It makes you human. You will find someone Toph, I know you will" Iroh said as he took the ketal off and pured it into 2 cups. "What if I dont"? I replied. "You cant focus on what ifs. Love is like the elements. Much like air you will find thay you need to depend on it, even if you cant see it. You will still know its their and use it, even if you dont think you are. Like fire. It burns fierce between you-" Iroh said before getting interupted by a man in a military atire. "Hello, Iroh. Toph Beifong, the original metal bender its a pleasure too meet you. Im general Lî". He said. "General Lî, its good too see you. Are you ready for the festival" Iroh asked. "Yes, I have several other soldiers occuping the festival as we speak. We cant risk any radacalists causing havic on a celebration this big" Lî said coldly. "Hm, why do you need-" I was interupted by Lî who said "Their our still individuals who support Ozai's plan for annexing other nations. We dont want anyone of them ruining our allready blood tinted reputation". "THATS, actually a very good point". I responded. Usually thease serious military types talk out of their ass, and Lî is telling the truth. "Toph, I can speak too you later. I must discuss somerhing with the general. Please go outside into the festival with your friends" Iroh asked, which I did.

As I walked outside the sound of chatter, echoed throughout. "Are you gonna finish that" Sokka said behind me. I felt the ground and senced that he was talking at the table behind me too my left. As I walked over too them. "Do I know you" a man said. Turns out that wasnt Sokka but some dude. I feal my face get hotter slightly as I swiftly turn around. "HEY"! Aang said behing me before grabbing my hand which made my face get even hotter abd I let out a gasp. "YOU SCARED ME! Why are you holding my hand" I questioned. "Your lost right let me take you too our table". Aang said. "Ok" I say calming down. "Its been a while since I needed someone too guide me anywhere. I almost forgoten I am blind because of my bending. Usually I dont like to be guide. But for some reason it felt... nice? Maybe its because Ive been lonely for the past 4 years..." I thought too myself. "Um, Toph your grip" Aang said gently. I notice the more I thought, the tighter my hand grip was on Aang. "Oh Im sorry". I say as I blush slightly.

"Is Katara and Sokka at the table"? I ask. "No Sokka is talking too Piandao. And Katara just left for the bathroom". Aang says as we arive at the table and sit down. "What took you so long"? Aang asked. "Oh, I was just talking to Iroh". "Oh, thats cool..... Remember the time us and Sokka scammed people" Aang said chuckling slightly. "Oh yheah, that was so fun, wish we could do it again. Not even for the money it was just so awsome to scam scammers". I say smiling. "Why cant we"? Aang questioned. "People know of me. First as the runaway and now as the strongest earthbender. And your the fucking avatar. And I dont think you Kuzon disguise fits you now." I say.

"True. Did you do anything fun like that when the group split off"? Aang asked. "No, I had too many responsabilitys. With my school, and when someone was even the slightist danger, guess who they ran too". I say with a sigh and frown slightly. "Yheah I know that feeling. Being the avatar I have so much responsability. And when I do have time to have some fun Katara allways tells me not to do it. Like the time I was gonna ride the back of a seamonster-" Aang said before I interupted with "WHAT"? "You tried to ride the back of a sea momster"? I say as I start laughing.

"Heck yheah, it would of been so cool. But Katara told me off. I know she means well, But Im the Avatar"! Aang says. "Yheah, no one can have fun now a days" I say. "Yheah, we should make our own fun". Aang said his tone low and almost flirty with a clueless facial expression followed with a slight pause. "What"? I say awkwardly, slightly blushing and confused if he just tried to flirt with me.. Aang paused before registering what he just said. "OH, I DIDNT-- MEA--MEAN TOO SAY-- IMPLY ANYTHING, By the way" Aang stamered. "Hehe, I know" I say awkwardly.

"Helo, Aang and Toph" Zuko says as he walks towards their table and takes a seet.

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