CH 17: If you punch it enough

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Toph POV:

You know this wasnt how I'd thought wednesday was gonna start. Chasing down some weird goopy mess through Sunzit. But seems like a dull momment is never an option thease days SO who knows. Probobly should of asumed that was the case since team avatar is back. I just hope that once this is all over. They visit me more often. Cause last time, throughout the last five years I was only visited twice by Aang and Katara.

There I was. On the inn's balcony. I couldnt sleep. The bed blocked all my vibrations. Making me feal uneasey. And the the ground was very cold, very tough wood planks. Whuch contrasted with the soft dirt that was outside.

The fresh air outside of Sunzit. So cold and refreshing. The moon casted a blue hue on me and everything. Only sound was the wind. No animals near by. Just more buildings. It was like what? Four AM now.

"Stupid inn." I mutter to myself. My hands resting on the cold metal bar of the balcony. "Wish I wernt the only one up. Everyones sleeping like babys..."

My eyes widen as I felt something... new. It was in the bottom floor of the Inn. My seismic sence barely detects it. It was so faint now. And it seemed... goopy? But it was holding something. "What the hell?"

I re enter the room. Carefully, I snuck past my bed. Then Zuko's bed. Every small creek from the wood echoed throughout the dark room. But Zuko stayed asleep. Only letting out small angry snoars.

Shutting the door behind me. No one was awake yet.


I felt the goop was still rumaging in the lowest floor. Aproaching the exit. Since everyone was asleep. And Im alone I decided to run down each floor. Making my way to the entrance. Trying to keep my steps light and quick just like Twinkle Toes.

As I took one last step. I felt its presense leave the Inn completly. "Oh no you dont!" I say in a quiet yell as I storm off, and out of the Inn.

I felt it again move. Running almost. It had several items. Their was a metal like clanking with each step it took running. "Hey! Get over here." I start full on sprinting at this thing.

It let out a noise. It sounded like a gurgulling Platalus bear roar. "Finally someone to punch!" I think to myself as I chased it through the streets of Sunzit.

"Are you the bandit spirit?" I shout hoping it would say something.

"I said!" I stomp on the ground and a wall ruptured out of the earth. "ARE YOU THE MERKY BANDIT!" I dont know why I was asking. There was no way he wasnt it. Based kf what the maykr told us yesterday.

The merky bandit let out another cry before running into a alley way.

I followed it. It had no where to run now. I crack my knuckles, a smirk on my tired face. My sightless eyes painting nothing but glee on my face.

The merky bandit was roughly shaped like a human. But its arms were long and claw like. Its chest was small. Its legs were skinny. And it lacked a mouth or ears. Just had bright yellow eyes. Its color was a muddy brown. And its smell reaked. Its body only made up of water like substance. Like if you punched it your hand would go right through. The only thing that wasnt made of water was its backpack it sported. Gray with leaf green highlights. Very dusty. And filled to the brim with what could be anything.

"Funny. Maybe the avatar was over rated? Im managing just fine with this spirit. Sorry Twinkles but Im gonna score the fame on this one!" I thought to myself. The thing still looking at me. "So what did you steal?"

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