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*This imagine is based off a scene from the 1988 movie Running On Empty*

Michael and Taylor walked through the forest, it felt like a very long walk. When Michael and Taylor got to their special spot with the heart and their initials carved into the rock, Michael told Taylor to sit down so he could tell her something important.  Taylor sat down on their rock, holding her blue cardigan as her long purple skirt blew in the wind.

"What am I doing" Michael started, still deciding if he should tell Taylor his secret or not.
"I..I just wanted to talk to wouldn't listen the other day at school", he said to Taylor. Michael then sat down on the cold hard ground on the forest floor. "I couldn't stay with you that night, not because I didn't want to", Michael said. Taylor's eyes started looking around the dark forest in the night. Michael looked as well. He turned back to her. "Look, Taylor, if you want to go's fine with me. 

"You're a boy!" Taylor said with anger, worrying she was about to get her heart broken by the one boy she cared deeply about. "No" Michael started "I'm a liar...My name isn't Michael...It's River...My parents are Eric and Annie Phoenix...They're in trouble with the FBI for blowing up a laboratory in 1971...There was a man who was almost killed...A janitor who wasn't supposed to be there... We change our name every time we move...I've been doing this since I was two...I don't know any other way...I wanted to tell badly...I knew I could trust you...I wanted to explain why I can't talk about a lot of things...My college...I can't go to college... I can't leave them...And I wanted to tell you why...why I couldn't be with you...I didn't want to lie to you...It's dangerous for you...and it's dangerous for them..."

River stopped. His beautiful blue eyes filled with a thousand tears. "I'm sorry..." River said as he breathed heavily with fear that he might lose Taylor. "...I just couldn't stop myself...You can do what you want...Tell your mum...Tell her anything...I don't care...I just needed you to know.

He paused for a moment. Then he started again: "I don't know what I'm doing...and I love you, Taylor".

Taylor's eyes filled with tears just like River's. She thought she was going to lose him. But now she knew she loved him more than she did before. She wiped the tears from her eyes. River looked down at the ground as cold tears dropped from his eyes. Taylor grabbed his hands as she lightly raised him up till he stood. Taylor threw her arms around his neck, crying into his chest. River's arms wrapped around her thin waist. 

They both pulled back as River kissed her forehead. That one kiss on her forehead ended up turning into a kissing session. Taylor and River both fell back onto the ground, And...and...well I guess you know what happened from there ;-)

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