Hand In Hand

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Taylor and Chris talked for a long time while Vern, Gordie, Teddy and Cass were gathering sticks to make a stretcher for the dead body of Ray Brower. Taylor was feeling down. She new that since they found the body, she would have to go back home. Where her father tormented and abused her. Chris looked into Taylor's blue eyes and could see the fear and desperation. He knew all she ever wanted was to leave her home and live somewhere else with her best friends.

Chris was madly in love with Taylor. He couldn't bare the thought of her being sad. Taylor looked at the ground as tears trickled down her porcelain, freckled face. Chris then held Taylor by her hands, making her look up. "Taylor..." Chris started "...What if you and I move out?". Taylor was puzzled and didn't understand what Chris meant. "What?" she questioned. "How about you and I buy a house or an apartment and live there...You wouldn't have to worry about going home...Because your home will be with me".  Taylor's tears stopped and a smile began to form on her face. "But...what about payment?" She asked her beloved Chris. "I'll work for it" Chris said straight up, "I'll do anything to keep you happy" He then smiled. He lifted Taylor's hands to his face. He kissed her hands. Taylor smiled and let go, she went in for a big hug. She so incredibly happy.

"Well...well" they heard a voice say as they pulled apart from the hug. They turned their heads towards the track to see Ace Merrill and his gang. They walked closer. "Thanks kids...but we'll be taking the body now".

"No!" Taylor shouted. Ace laughed. "Well...You guys have two choices...You either leave quietly and we take the body...Or you stay, we beat the sh*t out of you and we take the body". Taylor and Chris turned their bodies to face Ace and his mates completely. "Besides, me and Billy found him first" Charlie said.

As Vern, Teddy, Gordie and Cass heard chatting, they walked back to where Taylor and Chris were. Teddy heard what Charlie said so he replied to his comment. "Yeah, Vern told us how you found him, 'Oh Billy! I wish we never boosted that car, Oh Billy! I think I just turned my fruit looms into a fudge factory" Teddy said in a hilarious high mocking voice. "That's it your a** is grass!" Charlie stuttered while pointed to Teddy. Charlie took a step forward but Ace held him back. "Hold it" he said.

"Okay Chambers you little fa**ot! This is your last chance!" Ace told Chris. Chris and Taylor still held hands. No matter what they would always fight together. Chris gave Ace the death glare, he opened his mouth and out came "Why don't you go home and f**k your mother some more!".

Cass leaned over and whispered to Gordie and Teddy, "Burn!". They chuckled. Eyeball sighed and shook his head thinking "Why did you have to say that?". Ace pulled out a pocket knife. "Your dead!" he said with anger. Chris spun Taylor back, protecting her with his own body, since Ace was walking in Taylor's direction.

"Come on Chris! Let's split!" Teddy yelled at Chris while he was protecting Taylor, to scared to look up. "Come on man! This is crazy!" Teddy yelled again. "He's got a knife man!" Teddy yelled one last time before moving back.

"Ace, come on man" Eyeball said, feeling concerned for his little brother's life. Ace got closer and closer to Chris protecting Taylor. "You can kill me! But your not gonna hurt my friends!" Chris said with strength and fear in his voice. "No problem!" Ace yelled as he held the knife to Chris' neck.

Gordie ran to his swag (sleeping bag) and pulled out a gun. Immediately he loaded and pulled the trigger, aiming for the sky. Ace ran back with fright. Chris and Taylor shot their heads up to see Gordie with the gun.  Chris turned his head and saw that Ace was standing back with his mates. Chris stood up straight, grabbed Taylor's hand and they ran to their friends. When they stopped, Taylor and Chris stood next to each other. Chris wrapped his arms around Taylor's waist.

Ace looked at Gordie.  The gun was now pointed straight for his face. "Suck my fat one you cheap dime store hood!" Gordie said with anger. Ace and his gang were frightened. They ran off and never looked back.

Everyone went to gather their stuff to walk back home to Castle Rock. Chris walked up to Gordie with his hand around Taylor's waist. "Whoever told you, you had a fat one Lachance?" Chris questioned his mate. "Biggest one in four counties" Gordie replied, everyone laughed.

After that little joke that Gordie made, Taylor turn to Chris. Their eyes met, their hearts both beat like a drum. They moved in and they kissed, the warmth of Chris' lips on Taylor's made their hearts beat even faster.

"Hey!" Vern yelled from the tracks. "Are you guys coming or not?". Taylor and Chris pulled away with smiles on their faces. They walked up to the track and all the way back to Castle Rock, hand in hand.

"A wonderful day" Chris thought to himself. Even though he was almost killed. He was just satisfied that he was with Taylor the whole time. The one true love of his one true heart.

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