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It's 6pm. Taylor had just finished her makeup for prom. She heard the doorbell ring. She grabbed her purse and came downstairs to see her wonderful boyfriend, River, standing at the open door. Taylor came down the stairs ever so gracefully. River could feel his heart exploding in his body. She looked so perfect. He new tonight was the night.

Taylor went in for a hug and a quick kiss on the lips. River smiled. He held her by her hand as they walked outside into the dark night. Taylor closed the front door and turned around towards the street. She saw a limo. "River?" Taylor said questioning with a small chuckle. "I just want everything to be perfect" River said opening the limo door, "Because you're perfect". River and Taylor felt the love in the air as they entered the limo.

The limo pulled up to the High School.
River was the first to get out so he could open the door for his beloved Taylor.
When they walked into the gym. Everyone turned and looked at them, the cutest couple in school. "Care to dance" River said extending his hand to Taylor before kissing her own. Taylor nodded as they headed to the middle of the dance floor. The song "One True Heart" played as they danced the night away.

The clock hit 12. No this isn't like Cinderella.
At 12, a spotlight was shining on Taylor and River. Taylor looked up with the bright lights blinding her vision, just slightly.
"Taylor...." River started. He dropped on one knee and pulled a ring out of his tux coat. "...Will you marry me?" River finally said. The girls on the dance floor screamed and squealed from how romantic that moment was. Taylor nodded with tears and a smile. River place the golden, diamond ring on her finger. Taylor jumped and hugged River. She was extremely happy and exhilarated. Taylor looked into River's romantic, sky blue eyes and then went in for a romantic kiss.
When they pulled apart they noticed everyone was cheering and clapping.

A wedding was to happen! But for that night...they just enjoyed the dance and the love. The beautiful connection between them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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