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It was the first of December.
Lorenzo and I had spent a lot of time recently. Often, we went on dates. Yet, none of us had been in the house of the other. My mother was going out with my dad today and I had to take care of my brother when I got home from school.

Lorenzo and I currently were on our way to our first class. Unfortunately though, we had different lessons. He stopped in front of my room.
"I'll see you later." He said and kissed me.
I scanned the room. Lou was already seated. Ever since I had texted her, things had become weird between us. She had never answered my text and the first few days after that, she ignored me as if I was air. In the end, I couldn't stand it, so I confronted her.
"We're friends." She had said a little bit annoyed. I wanted to believe her, I really did. But all of the puzzle pieces suggested something different. Often, she disappeared with Dylan and they seemed so secretive with it. If you're just friends, you wouldn't feel the need to act that way. Because of this incident our current state of relationship was difficult. We were friends, but it was a tensed, not trusting each other type of friendship if one can even call something like that a friendship. At least we acted like friends.

I sat down next to her. We only greeted one another and asked about how the day was going. After that, there was only silence.

"I'm sorry." I said after I bumped into someone. I looked up only to notice that the person was no other than Dylan. No, we hadn't talked to each other again. It almost felt like we were back in elementary school. But it was better that way, I didn't want to talk to someone as childish anyway and Lorenzo certainly would get upset if Dylan and I remained close.

Dylan didn't move. Instead, he looked as if there was an alien in front of him. I smiled awkwardly trying to be nice. As I tried moving away, he grabbed my arm.
"Is he treating you well?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. What had just happened? I hadn't expected Dylan to talk to me even less so ask me about Lorenzo.
"Better than you ever could." I replied. Admittedly, I did still feel a little bitter. It did hurt to just be ignored all of the sudden without knowing why.
"Listen, Ava. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I just felt hurt. But I hope we can be cool with each other again. Especially because Lou had I are very close and-"
I chuckled. And here I was thinking he actually cared for me.
"Do you always only look at yourself? Your actions hurt me, too. Yes I fucked Lorenzo. So what? We weren't a couple and you had no right to ignore me like I'm some kind of ghost. And here you are. Talking about how you felt hurt?"
I crossed my arms in front of me. This conversation was ridiculous. It truly felt like Dylan just suddenly had turned on a switch with 'dick' written on it that evening.
His hand reached out to me, but I took a step back. There was no way I'd let him touch me.
"It wasn't only what happened back then. I felt used by you."
I scrunched my face. This guy was unbelievable.
"How so? I was literally dragged out of there."
Dylan looked frustrated. I scoffed. The nerve. He probably really believed he was the complete victim.
"I was told-. I just felt you wanted to use me since the beginning."
He cut himself off. Told.
I was even more confused and almost even baffled by the situation.
"What were you told?" I questioned.
"I can't tell you, but-"
"Cut your bullshit Dylan. If you can't explain it, then just stop talking."
And with that, I walked towards the cafeteria.

As I entered I could already feel Lorenzo's eyes on me. He was sitting at a table together with his friends. Sometimes, I'd sit with him. Other times, I'd sit with my 'friends' aka Rose and Lou. Right now though, I really didn't have any nerve left for drama so I already knew I wouldn't go to the table of the girls'.
Firstly though, I stood in line to get some food. Today, they had teriyaki chicken with rice and vegetables. Another good factor of Lorenzo joining the school definitely was the upgrade of the school food. No wonder there were so many rumors about him. I frowned. This whole thing with Dylan was killing my mood. Somebody told him something and I could only guess who that person was.

A love so forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now