Chapter 23 - Reality Is Wrong

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"Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly."

You see, if you would have told Peter that he would befriend a mercenary? Let's be honest it isn't even that big of a leap for him. 

However, if you were to tell Peter that he would come to be a rock in his life? That Deadpool, an insane loud mouthed ex-mercenary, would be a grounding person in his life? 

Well, that would be the unbelievable part. Because Peter didn't trust easily, let alone someone with so much history backing them to turn him the other way. 

But there was something about the man. He would fill the void with random tangents that would pull Peter from the deepest depths of his mind. 

Some of the things the man would say were so off handed that it would make Peter physically stall in place and wonder 'Why do I even put up with you.' 

But after weeks, almost months, of nightly patrols with the man he came to enjoy the spontaneity that seemed to smother Deadpool. 

It also helped that Deadpool would buy them food every night after their patrols, Peter tried to pay a few times in the beginning, but hey, the other had more than enough blood money to spend on something that wasn't violent. 

Though everything looked like it was great Deadpool still struggled sometimes with the no killing and maiming. 

The older man had confided in Peter or rather Spider-Man, what had happened to him, and that he had bad skin days because of it. Also bad mental health everyday because of it. 

"You know, you don't have to turn away from me when we eat. I've seen at least some of the scars, and I promise it wont turn me away." Peter had said so confidently. 

"Ah Spidey, it aint a great thing to look at in general, let alone while eating." 

"What uh, happened anyhow? They're burns of some kind right?" Peter had asked.

"Haha, no Spidey they're not burns. It's cancer." 

"Ha ha funny one 'Pool." But Deadpool wasn't joking and Peter could see that.

"What- you have cancer?" 

 "I mean I am literal walking cancer" 


"Its surface level, oh wait! Yes Yellow! Back story time! I was a decorated soldier! Revered but entire battalions!"

Peter snorted, knowing Deadpool was being exuberant. 

"Then I was diagnosed with terminal cancer! Tons of it actually, it was everywhere. Then blah blah I went to this totally not government sanctioned place and they tortured me." 

Peter was trying to filter what was real and what was fake. 

"And they bam! My latent mutant genes kicked in, they healed the cancer, it heals everything. But it can only stop the cancer as fast as it grows you know? So I look like a ball sack after being kicked repeatedly."

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