Chapter 17: A Fridge Too Far part 2: Alextravaganza and Eltornado Deliver!

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As Alex and Elton finally stumbled into the Altaria guild after a grueling two weeks and a half of travel, they were nothing short of a spectacle. Hungry, weak, and utterly defeated, they presented themselves to Guildmaster Altaria, hoping for sympathy and a warm welcome.

However, Altaria's reaction was far from comforting. Instead of understanding their plight, Altaria's booming voice echoed through the guild hall, shouting at them to get back on track and retrieve the perfect cherries. With a swift kick, Altaria sent them staggering, both physically and emotionally.

Defeated and humiliated, Alex and Elton exchanged looks of despair before trudging back out to resume their impossible mission. "How on earth are we going to get those cherries with that Monster House guarding them?" Alex groaned, his regret palpable.

Elton, equally disheartened, muttered, "I know that I messed up financially last time, but you should've secured the credit card with your life… That $1,000,000 would've been our ticket to success!"

Elton's face lit up with a hopeful smile as he remembered their savior in times of trouble, Multi-billionaire Andrea. Excitedly, he turned to Alex and suggested calling her for assistance.

But before Elton could finish his sentence, Alex interjected loudly, "No way! We can't keep relying on Andrea for everything!"

Elton's protests were swift. "But Alex, this time it's different! We had no control over losing everything to that Monster House! We'll just ask for a small amount, enough to get us back on our feet."

Just as Alex was about to argue further, his belly roared in protest, causing him to double over in hunger-induced recoil. With a defeated sigh, Alex relented, muttering, "Fine, fine, I'll call her."

Elton's smile widened as he retrieved the rescue team's cellphone, a prized possession amidst their losses. "See, Alex? Everything will be okay. Andrea always comes through for you," he reassured, dialing her number with a mixture of relief and anticipation as he handed the phone to Alex.

As they waited for Andrea to pick up, Elton's thoughts veered towards Team Fuse, and his frustration bubbled up like a simmering stew. "I can't believe Team Fuse dragged us into this mess," he muttered under his breath, glaring daggers at an imaginary Spinda.

Just as Elton was about to launch into a comedic rant about their misadventures with Team Fuse, Andrea finally picked up the call, her soothing voice cutting through the tension.

Alex, trying to compose himself, cleared his throat before diving into the explanation of their predicament. "Um, hello, Andrea," he began, his voice tinged with nervousness and a hint of defeat.

He detailed their situation, stumbling over his words a bit as he nervously asked if she could lend a hand once again.

Andrea, without hesitation, agreed to help. "Of course, Alex! I'll be there shortly," she assured him, her concern evident in her tone as she worried about his well-being and the condition he was in.

Meanwhile, Elton, still fuming about Team Fuse, muttered something about "noobs" and "initiation tests" under his breath, earning an amused glance from Alex as they awaited Andrea's timely arrival to save the day once again.

As Andrea arrived with her imposing entourage of Garchomps and Salamence, Alex's eyes widened in surprise and a touch of fear. He wasn't expecting this level of grand entrance.

Before he could fully process the situation, Andrea rushed towards him with open paws, ready to embrace him. Just as she was about to plant a kiss on the weak Riolu, one of her vigilant bodyguards swiftly intervened, stepping between them and stating sternly, "You shouldn't get too close, Riolu!"

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