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music: My Love Mine All Mine (Mitski) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwGbMYLjIpQ

I didn't want to go to school today so I just put on the first thing that I saw from my closet. An oversized T-shirt, a big hoodie and a Jean.

I arrived at school and everyone looked at me strangely, I mean after the fall in the stairs that I did yesterday I think its quite normal, I kind of expected it.

I finally arrived to my class and without any comment or anyone screaming:

'Hey! You did a great fall yesterday!!' or anything like that.

I went to my best friend and even her had wide eyes.

I mean ok I fell down the stairs pretty loudly and all but dam (pjo ref) that hurt.

She just stared at me blankly, wait no she was staring at my hoodie.

Maybe she didnt want to make eye contact or maybe she didn't want to be seen with me which was even worse.

She opened her mouth so I guessed she tried speaking but no sound came out.

I waited for what she was going to say but she never said it. I tried to start the convo and said:

"Hey Em! How are youu??" but all she did was stare at me so I looked down to my hoodie wondering what it was.

Maybe there was a something on-

Oh. Oh! Oh my gosh! It wasnt my hoodie! It was Kai's hoodie!!

Kai. Like Kai my secret, not so secret anymore, bf.

This was so embarrassing.

I had to find an excuse and fast.

"He- Its- I-" didnt know what to say in my favour. I mean there was literally his last name on the hoodie!

No excuses came to mind. Then one idea appeared out of nowhere, I only had one excuse and let's say it wasn't the best one I ever had.

The one and only excuse:

"He's my brother?"

maybe it'll work, we never know. Right now I just hopped for a miracle. She looked at me and said:

"First of all you dont even have a brother and secondly it sounded more like a question!"

I was so f*cked. She definitely could tell when I was lying, she always could tell!

Oh what can I say to her now!? I tried thinking of something but it turned out sounding more like:

"Well.... I actually.... How do I say this? Umm..." but at the end she just looked at me with wide eyes. That's when the teacher came to my rescue:

"You guys shut up or Ill separate you!"

Thank god for me, I now had time to find a good excuse.

I stressed during class trying to find an excuse and a good believable one that is. I knew she had questions and I knew that, right now, I couldnt answer them.

We didn't speak once during that long hour of class. Not once!

After class ended I turned to her to try explain how everything was a big misunderstanding.

Here I go, I have no choice but to lie myself out of this one. I was about to say another stupid lie when two arms went around my stomach.

It was Kais. I recognized them since he still had my hair tie that I asked him to keep in case I ever needed one. He bend down to my ear and whispered:

"Love, I didnt know you wanted to kill me. Just look at you. You look so gorgeous in my hoodie with my last name, soon to be yours too."

After saying that he gave my neck a little kiss, god that I loved when he did that, and I guess he know that very well from the tiny smirk that I felt on my neck.

I was relieved that he wasn't mad but I was flabbergasted.

I mean I just literally showed that we were going out together to the whole school! And by just walking around that is.

So I started to apologize:

"Um Im sorry, I didnt want to expose-"

I got interrupted by Kai:

"Dont apologize, ever, especially if its not your fault. But thanks to you, now everyone that knows Im yours I can kiss you like this." then he kissed me.

It was a sweet kiss and he knew well that those made me melt.

"Umm Guys? Im still here you know? And I would like answers. Since when? How come i never knew, I'm your bff normally!"

"Well its a long story." it really was one, at least, I didnt make that up.

"Yeah, she bumped into me, insulted me and I just fell for her stubborn but beautiful ass. And yeah that's it."

what? First of all I'm not stubborn and second: nothing like that ever happened! I mean yeah I bumped into him but the rest is totally wrong!

"Uh?? I was about to apologize for bumping into you and you just went away and each and every time I tried to apologize you didnt listen or ignored me!"

"What? No I didnt! You must of misinterpreted my actions!"

"Yes, you did! I remember that quite well!"

"Hey! Im still here! And with a lot of questions!!"

Well it was going to be a very long day! At least everybody will talk about our hoodie (yes before it was his but since what is his is mine, we are kinda sharing it) and not my very embarrassing fall.

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