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music: All I Want (Kodeline) YouTube: (2nd video with same vibe)

It was so sad that he ever thought I would forget about him, he was my 2nd and only other friend. But what was worse was that I'll probably never be able to answer him...

Well that was what I thought until one night I awoke to 3 Knocks coming from my window. I got up half asleep. I got to the window and opened it. There stood the shadow of a man.

I mumbled to myself something like,

"Not this dream again..." and went back to bed.

I had enough of those dreams where I was able to see my 'stalker', that after some reflection I understood was my friend and the one I couldn't stop thinking about day and night. I stopped counting how many times I had the same dream.

He always would end up leaving or telling me harsh things like:

"It's your fault I left", "I hate you", "I only pretended to like you" or anything similar.

When laid back on my bed, I remembered since this was a dream I could say or do whatever I wanted, so I told him to come next to me.

When laid down I cuddled into him. I was resting my head on his chest when I started speaking uncoherent things that were on my mind.

"M. Stalker or whatever, did you know you where the 2nd friend I made in my whole entire life. I mean, I know I don't look good and that I'm not the most popular person but I have 2 friends. Well at least I'm not like those popular persons that have tons of 'friends' but who actually hate them!"

I sighed. I was really telling that to a dream person. But whatever I wanted to talk to him and this was the only way.

"Did you know you're probably the hundredth 'stalker' that I see in my dreams? Well now you do. And what's worse is that you never answer my questions like the real one. You don't move an inch and say how much you hate me. It's horrible really! I just want to know your name and you start saying harsh things! I mean, yes, I know my mind can't make up a name good enough for you and all but I should at least have a little of imagination for that!"

Like in most of my other dreams he just watched me not uttering a word. But something was different this time, he looked conflicted, as if something was bothering him.

"My mind is now able to make you have emotions, well that's new! Why are you conflicted?" I asked him even if I knew he wouldn't answer.

"Yeah that's what I thought. Still can't talk except for-" but before I could finish my sentence he talked back. Like, really talked back!

"I'm quite happy you haven't forgot about me but this was not the way you would welcome me back." Well that didn't make sense. I always welcomed him like that and he never said anything about it.

"That's what I always do since you're not going to remember anything anyway."

It was true. But how was he talking? Not that I was mad about it, it was the first time in long while that I had heard him talk without insulting me.

I don't understand. Normally he never talk except to insult me. He was still staring at me, like he was waiting for me to say something so I did,

"You speak?" it sounded ridiculous but that was all I could find to say. He started laughing and answered,

"Of course I do, meine Liebling"

"Uh? I didn't know my mind knew how to pronounce that most of the time I tried saying it it just wouldn't work. But I'm not against it if you could call me that each time you come here." he was staring at me sadly and said,

"Meine Liebe, my Love, you know that it's me right?" I raised my eye brow. What did he mean?

"Of course I know. What do you mean?" He sighed and started to stroke my hair, and now and there I could fall asleep not regretting anything. When he spoke again to my ears it was like a lullaby,

"Schatz, it's really me."

"yeah, I know..." Why wasn't he happy with my first answer?

"Well-" he started but stopped himself from continuing.

"You'll see it when the morningen comes." He finally let it go. The German classes that I took finally paid off, I tried answering without falling asleep,

"Mhm... Love you." There was a long silence before he chuckled and commented,

"Ich liebe dich auch." that was the last thing I heard before falling in Morpheus's arms.


The next morning I woke up to my alarming ringing.

I didn't want to wake up. Last night dream felt too real and I didn't want to go up and face the reality.

I got up after debating if today's classes were worth going. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a coffee to survive the day.

I froze. Arms appeared out of nowhere and encircled my waist. Someone was behind me and that someone bend down to my ear and said,

"Now do you believe me meine herzallerliebst?"

Uh?? That was definitely his voice but it couldn't be him. It had been a year since we had seen each others!

I turned around to take a good look at him.

It was the first time that I saw him and he was really really tall and handsome and good looking and, god his smile I was melting. I guessed I had been staring for a while because he said,

"Enjoying the view? I know I'm-" he stopped talking as I hugged him. I didn't want him to go again. So I whispered hoping my prayer was heard,

"Please, don't go. Bitte, bleib bei mir..." he took my chin and made me look at him. He reassured me,

"Du bist die Frau meiner Träume, I'm not going anywhere."

We talked together and I, in the end, didn't go to school this day.

I stayed to tell him everything about me while he did the same. I told him about my parents that hated me because I 'Wasn't wanted'.

And I've learned a lot about him this day, like the fact that he was in the military so that was how he spotted my camera.

I also learned that the first time he came in my flat was by mistake since he lived, at the time, to the apartment next to mine.

So the next day he had tried to apologize with the flower and the note but he didn't think I would be the type of girl that liked big apologies so he decided to compliment me instead.

And the second time he gave me the key back because he wanted to be nice and he saw my note that asked him questions. He kept coming back through our balconies which were connected by the fence.

Because it was now our way of talking to each other. He had the time started thinking about me like a friend, a real friend.

When I told him about the fact that I would close my window he thought it was because he wasn't welcomed, so he stopped coming.

Until this day when he came back in town.

He was in his flat, the one next to mine and couldn't help but want to see me again so he tapped three times on the window, like I told him to do if he needed anything.

He was surprised, to say the least, when I let him come in, cuddled him and acted as if we did that everyday.

But he told me it didn't bother him and he even quite liked it and felt at home with someone that cared for him, other than his grandpa. He only had his grandpa since his parents had died.

This man was something really.

God I was Hals über Kopf in diesen Kerl verliebt.

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