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music: Heartbeat (Childish Gambino) YouTube:

I was so bored. Class was boring. Some kid was flirting with a girl and I really shipped them but apparently they were 'just friends', like seriously they had chemistry.

Some guys were chatting in the back, some others were laughing their ass out. We could hear a helicopter landing in the background.

Gods when was this hour going to end?? I felt like every second was in reality minutes if not hours.

Suddenly, there was an intrusion alarm. Wait. What? The teacher told us to shut up, stay calm, collected and go under our desk. She closed the door and blinds. I guess, we could say that I did most of what the teach said. How do you want me to be calm and collected in this kind of situation?

I could die if the intruder ended up breaking down the door. I mean, I was literally in the middle of the class, the third place or so, you would see when you enter through the door.

The piercing alarm finally came to a halt. Then there was knock on the classroom door. There were tables in front of the door, the intruder couldn't possibly-

before I could even understand what was happening the door flew open, different pieces of tables where now all over the floor. The door freaking opened!!

There stood the most handsome man I have ever seen. He was holding a gun and we could see a little knife in his pocket.

The man started scanning the room and then our eyes met. He started to walk up to me. Oh gosh I should have avoided his stare, Im sooo dead.

He was smiling while walking, not an evil smile, not a grin a real smile, strange.

When he was next to me I let go of his stare to look at my feet, I didn't want to die! I had so much things to do and see!

He lowered himself to me and took my hand in his and got me out from underneath the table.

He took my cheek in one of his hands while the other one rested on the small of my back. He was staring at me when he said:

"My love, its been a while. I told you I would keep my promise." my mouth hanged open. He chuckled. He chuckled at me! As if I was a kid doing a cute face!

I said the only thing that I could muster up:

"I- You- Cameron?"

He responded with:

"Yes, Princess. I came back like I promised you." I couldnt believe it was happening, it was really him!

I think I started crying because I felt his hand go under my eye and sweep a tear. Thats when I my brain re started braining. He was really there! It wasnt my imagination! I jumped to koala hug him (= a big comfy hug). He really kept his promise!!

Before he moved to an other country he promised me he would come back to find me and we would get married.

Well he probably only remember the part where he promised to come back and not the part where we literally asked each other to marriage.

Its been years since we saw each other. He went off to another country when I was 12 and we never met up since then.

I couldnt believe he remembered our promise or even me. I mean, he could of have forgotten me, 6 years is quite a lot.

I started to let go of the hug but he kept me from moving away. After 5min he almost let go of me totally.

He was still holding my hand when he dragged me to the front of the class and started speaking:

"If any one of you dare as much touch her youll be expected to have a little visit by me." he said while tapping his gun, daring any one to object.

Everyone stayed silent, no one dared to move a single muscle.

Cameron turned to me and handed me a little paper.

He kissed my forehead, started walking outside until stopped and said:

"Sorry about your tables." he said while pointing at the mess he had made when he 'opened' the door. He winked at me and started walking away.

I stared at him until he was out of my view. Then I opened the little paper he gave me. On it was written: 'call me ;)' with his number.

God this man was going to be the death of me.

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