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music: All I Want (Kodeline) YouTube:

"brrring, brrring, brrring"

God I didn't want to wake up! I felt like today was going to be horrible like I would waste my good looking clothes for nothing, literally nothing.

I turned around to turn of my annoying alarm that kept ringing. I tapped around until I found my alarm but instead I found a flower?

I opened my eyes to get a clear look at it, and there was a rose. And next to it was a note.

How? What? I couldn't believe what I saw. I gave a closer look to the rose and the note. On the note was written in beautiful handwriting:

'The prettiest flower for the prettiest girl. '

It could be just a coincidence but it was the exact color and type then the one I told my best friend that I loved at school yesterday.

God what was happening? How could this be here?

I looked around for a way he could of have gotten in. My door was half way opened but I was quite sure my front door was locked since I had verified twice yesterday.

But I also slept with my window opened since it was summer, he could've came in by there since I was on the second floor of the building.

It was complicated to climb to my balcony, where my window was at, but not impossible, I had done it once since I had forgotten my keys and it had worked.

I didnt have any more time to think, I had to get up and get ready for school. School! I was going to be late!

I got ready fast as flash, ate something, verified I got my keys and hurried outside after being careful that the door was well locked.


When I arrived to school I rushed to my best friend, Flora or Flo as I liked to call her, to ask her if she was the one who had put the flower and note there since she was the only one who had the keys to my flat.

But when I explained to her what I woke up to she looked as if she was sorry, and said:

"It couldn't have been me, I lost your keys." Then she realized something and explained what got her reacting like that:

"Girl I think this guy have your keys. I'm sorry but you should change your lock. Omg Im so sorry for losing your keys!"

I responded to stop her from worrying:

"Its fine really! But were not sure he's the one who got the key thou, it could be literally anyone. I'll still change the lock just in case, we never know."

I supposed it was a man but I had no real idea.

The rest of the day went like normal, nothing from the 'stalker' as Flo called this person.

She called him like that because he bought me my favorite flower when I didn't know who he was.

When I got home I called a locksmith to get my lock changed and he told me was overbooked so he could only come in a week. A whole week!

I asked if he didnt have anyone at all that could come but he said that if I wanted 'one of his guys to come in less then a week' I would need to pay double. And I couldn't pay double since I was a student with just enough to pay rent at the end of the month!

I called other companies but they all where to pricey. And I couldn't tell the authorities since I didn't have enough proof of what was happening.

So I had no choice but to wait a week for a locksmith. I called my best friend warning her that if I didnt come back one day to school this 'stalker' of mine would probably have killed me.

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