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music: Towards The Sun (Rihanna) YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdO9cc7WOyE

"brrring, brrring, brrring"

God who was calling now?? I opened my eyes to be met with my phone ringing. What was it now? I was way too tired for this.

It was a face time call and I didn't even need to look in a mirror to know that I must of look horrific but who cared? I answered anyway since it was my best friend Kylie:

"Hey..." was the only thing I could muster up right now.

"Hiiii!!!" she sounded way too exited for my liking.

"Girllll you wont believe what happened!" thats what I thought, there was a reason behind her being so exited this early in the morning. I hope it was good tea because if she woke up to tell me she texted her ex or something I'll make her eat dirt.

"What is it?.." I really tried my best to sound exited for her but I just wanted to go back to bed.

"Ooh what got you so grumpy this mornin'??" Can she just tell me what she called me for already?

I still answered her questions thou:

"I couldnt sleep last night." she gave me a weird look and I added:

"Why did you call me this early in the morning? Couldnt you text?" she answered with a fast 'no' and told me her peripeteia,

"Soooo, you remember who we talked about yesterday right?"

"Yeah, you know who." she looked at me and said

"You know you can say his name right?"

I know but she dismissed me with a wave of her hand,

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. So you see Dimitri? Well you remember when he said he would like to go out with you or me?"

She didn't wait for me to answer her to carry on the story.
"But that is not all!"
I looked at her as if all of this was normal while inside I just wanted to scream at her to stop talking about that.

She still continued,

"You see, when you went away, Adrien came over and told him to shut up because he didn't own you or me, god he is such a gentlemen!"

she probably didnt want me to hear the last part so I'll ignore it for now.

"But then Lorenzo talked! That probably was the first time Ive heard that guy talk! That guy really never talks." oh if only she knew.

She kept going, adding things to the story to make it more hectic,

"You wouldnt be able to guess what he said!" Im quite sure I could guess but whatever,

"He said 'Dimitri shut up'" she said, trying to imitate his voice,

"He said it with so much authority that everyone in the classroom shut up!"
Yeah I could easily picture that. Him speaking, while everyone probably thought he was mute, for the first time and everyone just sitting there with their mouth wide open.

She pursued telling me how it was 'oh so cool but not as cool as what had done Adrien' and that he was definitively plotting something since he had spoke in our favour, which she reminded me again that he never spoke to anyone.

I tried to stop her from going too delulu because once she started she never stopped.

Then she stopped talking. I wondered for 5sec if I got blessed, but with the look that she had on her face definitely told me I shouldn't rejoice myself. So I asked her,

"What is it that stopped you into your tracks?" she didnt answer my question but instead asked me a question too.

"Where did that come from?" Well now she was scaring me.

"Ky, what do you mean?" She replied to my question this time.

"There was a sound like I dont know how to describe it..." I looked around and responded,

"You sure you didnt misheard, I mean you were literally screaming your heart out about how much you loved Adrien, and how he was perfect!"

Her face turned red tomato from my beautiful and amazing imitation, and she screamed.

"What!! it's not true! I didnt talk about him like that!!"

I looked down as I felt something move and hair poking up my neck.
Oh god. I looked up and saw the hair was in the frame of the face time. The owner of the hair started talking in a sleepy voice.

"Shut up" Well crap. Kylie had her mouth so wide opened Im sure she would be able to catch flies.

Then she started speaking incoherent things (just like my life).

"Uh? You? Who?" She squinted her eyes to probably see whos hair it was.


I had no choice but to tell her a good explanation about this situation and I had to find a reason for this fast

"Well actually, you see-" But before I could finish my sentence I felt light kisses on my neck. Uh?

"Shut up" he said repeating what he had said before.

"But-" Before I could finish complaining, he got himself up just enough so that he was in front of my lips and said again for the 3rd time,

"Shut uppp..." Then he lowered himself just enough to give me a quick but passionate kiss. I wanted to tell him I was still online, that I should explain everything to my best friend but, right now, I really didnt want to.

I just wanted to get lost in his kisses and affectionate touch.
I still tried to say it, but as soon that I opened my mouth he kissed me again glaring at my lips as if it would stop them from re opening themselves and disturbing him.

After a long moment of silence, as I quite understood that speaking wasn't an option, he let himself fall back on top of me and cuddled me as if his life depended on it, as if it would stop me from speaking again.

I hanged up on Kylie and texted her. Explaining to her the situation and let just say I was going to hear her talk about this 'situation' again and probably be taunted about it for a very long time.

Afterwards this long convo that completely exhausted me. I finally put my phone back on the night stand and hugged my boyfriend back.

"Who could've knew that today was going to be when I reveal my secret bf to my bff." I said to my bf even tho it was more to myself

"What is she going to think now?" I sighed, I was way too tired to think about this.

"Probably that I only know how to say shut up." I couldnt help but laugh at that. She really only heard him saying shut up!! I couldnt breath!!

"She really-" I tried saying my sentence fast but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on breath baby." I still couldnt stop myself. Because really, she only heard him saying 2 words and 3 times that is!!

"It aint even that funny!" i wheezed do hard I thought I would pass out. I really couldn't believe it!

He started kissing my neck again, mumbling the same thing over and over again, making me wonder if she was right, if he could only say one thing,

"Shut upppp..."

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