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music: Young And Beautiful (Lana Del Rey) YouTube:

God my head was hurting, the whole world was spinning. I saw the floor getting closer and closer.

I braced myself when I would touch the floor but I never did, instead I felt someone grab my waist and take me out of the bar.

The vague person started speaking:

"God, you're annoying. Can't you take care of yourself?"

"Hey! I'm not and I can take care of myself!"

"Yeah, yeah. You always say the same thing and it always end up in you almost blacking out. You really need to stop doing-"

I stopped his talking with a kiss. Ha! I knew how to make him stop talking!

"Shush now. Take me home dear prince!"

"Whatever the princess asks for." He said sounding as if I just tried to kill him.

A little kiss never killed anyone!


My head was killing me... I didn't even want to move. The memories of yesterday were vague but there.

I could still feel his lips on mine as if I never let go of the kiss.

Oh. Oh no. I kissed him. I kissed my best friend?! No way he wouldn't of let me do that, right?

I needed to see him. What if he hated me now? What do I do?? What do I even say? I couldn't just go up to him and say:

'Sorry about the kiss of yesterday I was almost out but I still wanted it. Let's date now!' I was doomed...

I got up from bed and went to the kitchen while hopping the one I gave my first kiss to went back home.

I sneaked into the room seeing no one inside I took some aspirin hopping it would help to stop the pain.

I started to pour some milk with cereals to bring the food that my stomach craved for when someone took the cereals from me.

"Hey!" I said while turning around trying to grab back the cereals.

"No, no, no! You don't get cereals since you broke your promise!" explained the thief.

"But, please!" I was craving for those cereals right now.

"No way!" He looked as if he was never going to give up so I took out my secret weapon.

I started to give him a death hug but he didn't move an inch so I went with the plan B.

I tackled him and started to tickle him. But he turned my own attack against me, how dare he!

That's it! He declared a war!


After this fight, that I won of course, we still hadn't talked about the kiss that I had gave him. It wasn't that I was mad about it but I didn't know how to take it.

Did the kiss meant nothing at all? I didn't want to push him and make him uncomfortable but I really wanted to know if the kiss only had an impact on me or if he felt the same as me.

I proposed we should do some pancakes and he gladly accepted.


Remind me, why did I ask him to make pancakes with him?

We could see he was concentrated but he messed up everything. He couldn't even do the dishes.

"No, you should do it like that" I said showing him how to pour the pancake batter in the pan. He looked confused.

"But I did just that, I don't get it!" He sighed then added,

"You know what I give up!" He went to sit on the counter behind me. Letting me to take care of the pancakes alone.

After a while I realized that the mountain of pancakes was too big and if I continued to add some it would definitely fall.

So I asked the servant behind me, that was on his break, to pass me the plate that was next to him. But he answered negatively to my request saying,

"No since, apparently, I'm useless" he stated looking away while pouting.

"Pretty please!"

"No way! Come get it yourself if you really want it." He was so annoying, it was literally next to him!

I went over him. But as soon as I approached the plate he took it in his hand, and raised the plate so it was higher than me and said,

"What are you gonna do now mhm?" I couldn't just wait here I needed to turn my pancake or it'll burn.

"Well I'm gonna tickle you! So give it back!" He looked at me as if it was the stupidest idea I ever had.

"You can't do that or I'll break the plate when I laugh, idiote!" He was right. But then came my other idea.

"Give it back or I'll kiss you. Again." He looked at me as if he saw a ghost and said,

"You- I- You remember?" He had bend down and whispered as if I would disappear.

I smirked at him and snached the plate from his hand that was now on the counter. I said,

"Of course I remember. How could I forget?" I winked at him and turned to go to move the pancake out of the pan but he grabbed my waist stopping me from going away.

"Mon ange, croix-tu vraiment que je vais te laisser partir après ce que tu m'as avoué?" I raised my eyebrow clearly he had asked me a question that I really couldn't answer since I didn't understand anything he had just said!

He pulled me more into him by the waist and said, this time in a langage that I knew,

"You owe me a kiss. You stole one from me this day and I intend to steal one back."

He was staring at my eyes and then back down at my lips. I started to get closer to him until our mouths were just centimeters apart and I complained,

"And I would gladly accept you stealing a kiss but didn't you have enough with my heart and mind already?" He chuckled and said,

"I could never have enough of you, mon amour."

Then he pulled me even closer, if that was possible, and kissed me. It wasn't like the first kiss. If I had through there wouldn't have been a better feeling I was wrong. This was definitely better. I could feel myself losing all rational through.

I moved my hands to his neck so I could kiss him more. I didn't want to ever let go but I had no choice but to stop for oxygen. Stupid oxygen!

He looked at me with stars in his eyes if not galaxies. I probably looked at him the same.

He then whispered as if not to break me,

"I think you should check on that pancake." He said while looking behind me.

What? What panca-

"Oh gosh! No! The pancake!" I ran to the pan and there was the burnt pancake. I turned over to the criminal and pointed him.

"Couldn't you have told me before! It's a mess now!" I said while showing him the mess he had caused. The pancake was glued to the pan now! He started laughing his ass out.

"Don't stand there! Help-" I stopped before re doing my sentence. Even if he tried to help out it wouldn't work, he would just make it worse.

"I hate you!" I said not meaning a hint of it.

"Je t'aime aussi." God with that smirk on his face I didn't need to understand what he said to actually know it.

I really feel in love with a stupid man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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