Chapter 1

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Emma and I had been together for nearly 2 years now, we wanted children of our own, we had Henry but that was Ms. Swan's son, I was only his adoptive mother, he had none of my genes. We had been planning this for a while now, the curse was broken and there was nothing holding us back, Snow and Charming were against all of this, the whole idea of their daughter being in love with me an evil queen was outrageous to them, but to Emma and me it was the perfect match. All 5 of us, Emma, Snow, Charming, Henry and myself were in Snow's 4WD on are way to Storybrooke General hospital for mine and Emma's appointment, it was our second appointment in 2 months, the first appointment was to do the procedure, we both decided I was going to be the one to carry the baby, Emma had already had a child and I have always wanted to have one, I had just never found the right person to have a baby with, until I found Emma. This appointment was to see if the procedure worked and if I was pregnant, the procedure we did was an expensive one but hey l'm the Evil Queen and the Mayor I'm loaded. The procedure we chose to do was that I would carry the baby using Emma's egg, that way our baby would have both our genes. I have been having trouble sleeping the last couple of nights, maybe that's a good sign?

The car ride to the hospital was silent, Snow was driving and Charming was in the passenger seat they were quietly listening to the radio, Henry had his earphones in and was playing on his IPod, and Em and I were whispering dirty stuff into each other's ears, that was kind of our way to calm ourselves down, I was extremely anxious 1 really wanted to be pregnant I didn't want to let Emma down.

We finally arrived at the hospital, it felt like it had taken hours to get there but it had only taken 15mintues. Snow parked the car and we all got out, l grabbed Em's hand and held it as we walked into the hospital general entrance, we walked up to the front desk letting them know we were here, "Please take a seat, the doctor will see you soon," the lady told us, we all went and sat down in the waiting area with about 7 other people waiting too. I sat next to Em who was still holding my hand and Henry who was still on his IPod, Snow and Charming sat next to Emma on the other side of me, Snow was reading a magazine and Charming was talking to Emma, I just sat there silent. "Emma Swan, Regina Mills, the doctor will see you now, please follow me" a nurse yelled out, Emma and I stood up, still holding hands and we followed the nurse into the ultrasound room, "Please wait here for the doctor, Ms. Mills can you please remove your clothing and put this gown on please" the nurse asked me, she handed me the hospital gown and left the room. I couldn't reach the zip to undo my dress, "Em can you please give me a hand, I can't reach the zip," "sure Gina" Emma replied, I turned around and Em unzipped my dress, I slid it off and put the gown on and I sat on the bed waiting for the doctor. The obstetrician walked in "and how are we doing today Ms. Mills?" the doctor asked "I'm well, a bit nervous" I answered the doctor "well then let's get this started, can you please lie down for me," I lie down on the bed, the doctor pulls up a chair for Emma to sit on "you can sit here Ms. Swan" Emma took a seat next to me and held my hand, the obstetrician walked around to the other side of the bed and sat down in his chair, he set up the ultrasound machine, he lifted up my gown "now this may be a little cold" the doctor told me as he put the gel on my lower abdomen, he lifted up the transducer probe and started moving it around my lower abdomen on the gel, I looked at Emma and Emma looked at me, she was still holding my hand, she crossed her fingers on her other hand for me. All I could hear was the sound of the machine working and the doctor clicking. He moved the probe around and pressed down In some parts of my abdomen, he moved the probe, wiped the gel off it and placed it next to the machine, he had an image still on the screen which he clicked to keep there, he wiped the gel off my abdomen and put the gown down, he didn't say anything, I sat up, "ok well, the procedure was successful, congratulations Ms. Mills you are 7 weeks pregnant," he told me while looking at both of us, "OMG, that's amazing, Gina, were going to have a baby" Emma excitedly said to me smiling, I was speechless I was so happy, I just smiled. The doctor turned the screen so it faced Emma and me, "here is your baby, at this stage you can't see much" he told Emma and I, we both looked at the screen, I'd never seen Emma so happy before, "Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?" I asked, "No, not yet it is still too early, would you like a photo?" he asked me, "yes please" we both said at the exact same time, "I will go and get it printed, while you get changed Ms. Mills, I will also need to take some bloods and a urine sample when I return" the doctor walked out of the room, I got off the bed and I took the gown off, with Em's help, I slid back into my dress, Emma zipped it up for me, I turned around facing Emma, "were going to have a baby" Em kept saying to me in her excited voice, she placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed my lips, I kissed back, I placed my arms on Emma's hips, the doctor walked in while we were still kissing, "oh, I'm sorry" the doctor said, we both pulled away, "that's ok" I said back to him, he gave me the picture of our baby, Emma wrapped her arm around over my shoulder and looked at the picture with me. "Can you please sit back on the bed Ms. Mills while I take some bloods" I sat back on the bed and let the doctor do what he needed to do, I had already done the urine sample and given it to him, he put the needle in my arm, I looked at Em when the blood came out. He pulled the needle out and put a piece of cotton wool on top of the tiny little needle hole, "ok Ms. Mills all done, you and Ms. Swan can go now." We walked out of the room holding hands, Emma had the picture in her other hand still staring at it, we walked back out to the waiting room where Snow, Charming and Henry waited anxiously, Snow and Charming were secretly hoping I wasn't pregnant. We both walked up to all 3 of them, "were going to have a baby" Emma blurted out super excited and not waiting for me to tell them with her, Henry came running up to Em and me and gave us both a huge hug, Snow and Charming stood up and both said "Congratulations" with a smile on their faces, which we both knew were fake smiles. Snow came up to Em and me, she grabbed Em's hand and pulled her away from me, she walked with Emma up to Charming and then walked further away from me so I couldn't hear what they were saying. Henry was still cuddling into me, "are you having a boy or a girl mom?" he asked "I don't know yet Henry, it's still too early to tell yet son,"
"can I look at the picture?" I showed Henry the picture of either his baby brother or baby sister,
"that doesn't look like a baby" "it will look more and more like a baby as I get further into my pregnancy Henry," "oh ok, I'm so happy for you mom" Henry said to me has he put his hand on my stomach.

I couldn't hear what Snow and Charming were saying to Emma, then suddenly Emma started yelling at her parents, "MUM, DAD, I LOVE REGINA AND I ALWAYS WILL, IM HAVING THIS BABY WITH HER AND I'LL NEVER LEAVE HER, NOTHING YOU SAY WILL EVER CHANGE HOW I FEEL ABOUT GINA, OK YOU JUST HAVE TO ACCEPT THAT REGINA IS APART OF THE FAMILY NOW!!" Emma came storming towards me,
"C'mon Gina lets go" Em grabbed mine and Henry's hand and we walked out of the hospital,
"Em, what happened?" "They don't want me with you, there trying to convince me to leave you, I'm never going to leave you Regina, I love you" "I love you too Emma, just don't listen to them," we kept walking, unfortunately we had to be in the same car as Snow and Charming, we hopped into the car and waited for Snow and Charming to come out, Henry started playing on his IPod again, Snow and Charming finally came waltzing out with angry faces, they got in the car and slammed their doors behind them, we all sat in the same seats as we did on the way here. Snow and Charming were talking to Em, but she just ignored them, I leant into Em, I rested my head on her shoulder while looking at the picture of our baby. "Where am I taking you Emma, are you going home with Regina or coming home with your father and I?" Snow asked Emma, "Your dropping me off with Regina and Henry, you already knew that mom" Em replied to her mother, Emma had been living with me and Henry for 6 months now, but Snow and Charming still always ask Emma if she wants to go home with them, she never says yes.

Happy ending~ Swanqueen Where stories live. Discover now