Chapter 3

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It was 2pm and I was still asleep, Snow came in and checked on me a couple of times an hour.
I woke up at 3:15pm to the sound of Henry's voice, I could hear him coming up the stairs, my dizziness was back and I was still feeling nauseous, Emma walked into the bedroom to see how I was, "Hey baby how you feeling?" "I'm feeling a bit better" I lied to Emma I didn't want her to worry, I really felt like shit. Henry came in and gave me a hug, which I loved. They both left the room and I dozed back off to sleep.


Emma didn't wake me up early this morning, by the time I woke up Henry was already gone for school and Em was already home and lying In bed next to me, "morning Gina, how you feeling today, any better?" "I'm feeling much better" | lied again, I got up and had a shower to refresh myself, Emma came and joined me in the shower, it was too bad I wasn't in the mood to do anything coz we had the perfect opportunity, I just gave Em a kiss on her warm lips and I got out, "are you sure you're ok Gina? You never walk out of the shower when I'm with you?" Em asked me, 1 didn't exactly know what to say, "I'm just not in the mood today Em" "ok that's ok Gina," Emma stayed in the shower and I dried myself and got dressed, but before I could go downstairs to get something to eat I was back in the bathroom vomiting, "Gina you alright?" Em asked while looking out the shower glass seeing me back at the toilet, "Yep, I'm peachy" another lie, I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, I walked back into the bedroom, I was feeling really dizzy, ! could hardly stand up and I was feeling really lightheaded. I could hear the shower taps being turned off, Emma had gotten out of the shower and got dressed, she was still in the bathroom just doing her hair, I couldn't stand any longer just as I was walking towards the bed I fell, I had fainted, Emma heard something and came in, she saw me lying on the floor, she quickly ran to me and tried to wake me up, after Em had given me a couple of soft slaps on my cheeks I finally woke up, "you gave me a fright Gina, I thought you said you were ok," "I'm sorry Em I should never had lied to you" "we will talk about that later right now I just want to get you to the hospital," "I'll be ok, I just need to rest" "I'm not taking no for an answer," Emma helped me stand up, I nearly fell over again, "see Gina you can't even stand," we slowly walked down the stairs and outside to my Benz, Emma helped me get into the passenger seat, she went and locked the front door and came back to the car and started it and drove me to the emergency room at Storybrooke General hospital.

We arrived at the hospital, "wait here Gina, I'll go and get a wheelchair" "ok Em," Emma ran into the hospital, I waited in the car, my dizziness was really bad, everything was spinning, I was back to feeling nauseous again, I saw Em and a nurse coming out to me, Emma opened my door and her and the nurse gently lifted me into the wheelchair, the nurse slowly wheeled me into the hospital entrance, "now what seems to be the problem Ms. Mills?" the nurse asked me, I was too weak to answer so Em answered for me "Regina is 7 weeks pregnant, she has been having really bad morning sickness, she started feeling dizzy yesterday, and it just got worse today, Regina had also been feeling lightheaded and she fainted not long ago, she also isn't able to stand by herself," "ok, thank you Ms. Swan" the nurse wheeled me into a room, and Emma and her helped me onto the bed, a doctor came in, the nurse filled him in saving Emma having to explain It again. The doctor got out the sphygmomanometer to check my blood pressure, he put the band around my arm and pumped it,
"ok Ms. Mills you have extremely low blood pressure, lower than it should be, what you have is called hypotension," "it that bad?, will my baby be ok?" I asked, "it is quite common in some pregnant women, it's when your blood pressure is lower than it should be, I will need to get some fluids into you, and Ms. Mills your baby will be fine, once your fluids are up I will come back and fine, once your fluids are up I will come back and do a quick ultrasound" the doctor explained being as simple as he could, he got a needle and put it into my arm and connected other stuff up to it, he had a bag of saline and connected the small tubes into that, the saline begun to flow into my arm, "we will just let that all go into you and l'll come back to check on you a little later Ms. Mills, and to do the ultrasound, you will have to stay In overnight for observations." Emma held onto my hand and the doctor walled put of my room. "Everything will be ok Gina, the baby will be fine" Em told me to make me feel better, I just stared into Emma's eyes, Em leant in and gave me an 'it's going to be ok' kiss. I fell back asleep.

An hour or so had passed, when I woke Emma wasn't by my side, I kind of freaked out, my dizziness had settled down by so much, I was still feeling nauseous but not as bad as I had felt, the saline bag was nearly empty, I tried to sit up but I was still a bit too weak, so I stayed lying down, I was by myself for about 10 minutes before Emma came back into the room, she came back with a coffee in her hand, "Hey Gina, how you feeling, sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, I needed a coffee and l've had to get Snow and Charming to pick Henry up," Em explained to me, "that ok baby, I'm honestly feeling better" "that's good Honey, Snow, Charming and Henry should be here soon," "Ok Em, thank you sweetie," Emma took a seat back next to me, and moved the hair that had gotten over my eyes to the side, and started stroking my head, I loved it, it felt nice, I could just fall back asleep with Emma doing that, but l had to stay awake for when Henry came, the doctor came into my room, "how are we feeling Ms. Mills?" the doctor asked "I'm feeling a lot better," the doctor started asking me other questions "how's the dizziness? Are you stilli feeling lightheaded and nauseous?" "I'm not feeling as dizzy anymore and I'm still feeling a little nauseous" I told him, "ok let's check your blood pressure, he got back out the sphygmomanometer and put the band back on my arm again and pumped it, "ok it seems that your blood pressure had risen a bit, it's still a little too low for my liking," he told me "should I be worried?" "No there is nothing to worry about, I'll get the nurse to bring you in some water" "ok, thank you doctor" both Emma and I said. The doctor replaced the empty saline bag with another one, "what about the ultrasound?" Emma asked, "Once Ms. Mill's blood pressure rises a little bit more I will come back," "ok, thank you" Emma replied. The doctor left my room, not long after that Henry, Charming and Snow walked in, Henry came up to me and gave me a hug and sat on the bed, I was feeling strong enough to sit up, so I sat up, "Hey mom how you feeling?" Snow and Charming had filled Henry in so he knew what had happened, "I'm feeling better Henry, much better know that you are here," "that's good mom, when can you come home?" "The doctor wants me to stay in tonight, so hopefully some time tomorrow," Henry just smiled at me, Snow and Charming were standing in the corner, they didn't bother asking how I was because they heard me telling Henry, it still would've been nice, you know so it showed they cared.

Henry, Snow and Charming stayed for about 10 minutes when they were told to leave because visiting hours were over, Emma was allowed to stay which made me happy, they left just as the doctor walked in, he walked in with the ultrasound machine, "ok Ms. Mills I will do the ultrasound now and make sure everything is all ok," he came over to me and lifted my gown, put the cold gel on my lower abdomen and turned the machine on, he moved the probe around my stomach for about 5 minutes, "Well everything seems to be fine, your baby is all good," "thank god" Em and I said with a sound of relief, "I still want you to stay in overnight just to make sure everything is ok, and if everything is good you should be released tomorrow morning,"
"excellent, thank you Dr." Emma said, beating me to it, the doctor wiped off the gel and put my gown back down.

Em stayed with me the whole night, Henry stayed at Snow's and Charming's for the night.

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