Chapter 2

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We finally arrived at mine and Emma's house, Snow didn't even go up the drive, she just stopped at the edge of the road, "bye Emma, Cya Henry, and congratulations Regina" Snow and Charming said to us, "Bye" all 3 of us said. We all got out of the 4WD, shutting the doors behind us, we started walking up the path and Snow drove off, we reached the door, I unlocked it with my keys and opened it, Henry went running in heading upstairs straight to his bedroom, Em and I decided we would watch a romantic movie, but first we went to check if Henry was ok, we opened his bedroom door and he was happily reading a book, we headed into mine and Em's bedroom and set the DVD player up, let Em choose the movie, I made myself comfortable in our king size bed, Emma put the movie on and came and laid down next to me, Emma was sitting a bit higher than me, I rested my head just above Em's breasts, Em wrapped one of her arms around me, I had one of my hands resting on my pregnant stomach, Emma bought her other hand around and placed it on top of my on my hand on my stomach. We wanted to celebrate the pregnancy, but the way Em and I wanted to celebrate was impossible to do with Henry in the house. I started kissing Emma's neck just for fun, Em took her arm off my shoulder and started stroking my head, I sat up a bit further so l was at Emma's height, we both started kissing each other, putting our tongues in each other's mouths, just hoping that Henry wouldn't walk in, he had seen us kiss before but just pecks never full-on kissing. I really wanted to rip off all Em's clothes, she is irresistible, I had to control my urges. We had been making out for about 5minutes now, I didn't want to pull my lips away I was enjoying myself way too much.

We had suddenly forgotten about the movie playing on the TV, we had been making out now for 20mintues, I was becoming very dominate, 1 pulled Emma beneath me and I ended up lying on top of her, I was starting to have an orgasm, the pregnancy hormones were going crazy at the moment, I couldn't help it, I starting moaning
"UHHHHH," I never meant to, I was trying to be quiet but it was impossible. Henry could hear something, he came running into mine and Emma's bedroom thinking something was wrong, her opened the door and saw me sitting on top of Emma, he quickly covered his eyes "MOM, MOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Henry asked looking at both Em and I, he started feeling really embarrassed, "I'm sorry Henry, just go back to your bedroom, I'll be in a sec to explain to you what you just saw Henry" Emma told him, Henry happily walked away and into his bedroom, "! better go and sort him out" Em tells me "ok, I'm sorry, you can't blame me, blame the pregnancy hormones," "I don't blame you, I'll explain that all to him," Emma walked out of our bedroom leaving me lying on the bed.

I sat there feeling very bad that Henry had to see that, I know Em will sort everything out. I thought that I should go downstairs and get dinner ready while Emma talked to Henry, I didn't know how long they would be but I trusted her. So I did what I thought, I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs to prepare dinner, tonight | was making chicken parmigiana with vegetables, Emma's favorite. I was just putting the chicken in the oven when Emma and Henry came downstairs, "all sorted Gina, he understands, he knows your pregnancy hormones were to blame,"
"thank you Em" I walk over to Emma and give her a cuddle, Henry walks over to both of us and joins in with the cuddle, "family hug" he said whilst placing his hand on my stomach.

"Dinner will be ready in a moment Henry, go upstairs and wash up please" I ask him, Henry heads up stairs, Emma sets the table for me, and starts dishing up the vegetables while I take the chicken out of the oven, I place a piece of chicken on all 3 of our plates. Henry came down the stairs and sat at the dinner table, Em and I sat down too.

Once we had finished dinner Henry offered to do the dishes, "I'll do the dishes tonight Mom," "No that's ok Henry you go upstairs and do your homework" Emma said to him, Emma came past me and picked up my empty plate, and took it to the sink, while Emma was doing the dishes I still sat at the dinner table drinking my orange juice and talking to Em. When Emma finished the dishes she came and grabbed hold of my hand and took me upstairs, "how about we just relax for the rest of the night and finish our movie"
"sounds like a plan," we walked upstairs but before we went into our room we went to say goodnight to Henry, I opened his door and we both walked in we both sat on the edge of his bed, he was already in bed but not asleep,
"goodnight Henry" we both said, we both gave him a kiss on the forehead and tucked him in,
"night mom, night mom" he said to both of us, we walked out shutting the door behind us and walked into our bedroom, we both got into our pajamas, and laid back in bed watching the rest of the movie. I fell asleep quite quickly I was very tired, Emma turned the TV off and fell asleep not long after me.


Emma and I woke up to our alarm, I felt extremely nauseous, "Morning Honey" Em said to me which included a kiss, "Morning Em, I really don't feel good today," "are you ok?" "Yeah I'll be ok," Emma walked out of our room and went to wake Henry up and get him ready for school. I felt like I was going to be sick, I could feel vomit coming up, I ran into the bathroom and vomited into the toilet, Emma could hear me and she came running in, she patted me on my back and helped me. Henry came in as well to see if I was ok, "is mom ok?" "She'll be ok Henry it's just morning sickness, Regina will have this a lot, go and get ready for school" Em told him, while I was still vomiting. Henry was ready for school and had eaten breakfast, and I was still vomiting,
"oh man this totally sucks" I say "I know Gina, it will pass," I have finally stopped vomiting so l went to lie back down in bed, "I'll walk Henry to the bus stop, will you be alright?" "Thanks Em, yes sweetie I'll be fine, I just need to lie down for a little while" "ok, I won't be long" Emma reassured me. I knew Emma had left with Henry when i heard the door slam shut, I walked downstairs, I was starving, I made myself 2 boiled eggs and toast, I started eating it when that vomit feeling came back, I ran to the downstairs bathroom and once again vomited. I had this morning sickness really bad, when Em came home I was still vomiting, I felt dizzy and I wanted to lie down, Em helped me upstairs and into bed, I had to have a bucket with me, Em got a blanket and put it over me, she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I'm supposed to be at the sheriff's station today, but If you want me to stay with you Gina I can get Dad to cover for me" Em asked looking worried about me, "No I'll be ok you go to work," "I don't want to leave you alone, I know you won't like this but l'm going to call Mum, she can come and keep an eye on you, ok?" "ok, thanks Em," Emma picked up her mobile and called Snow, "Hey, do you think that you can come over and keep an eye on Regina, she has really bad morning sickness, I don't want her to be left alone?" Emma asked into the phone, I don't know what Snow said I was really hoping a no, I HATE Snow, l've wanted to kill Snow White for so many years and now I can never kill her. I don't use magic anymore, Em helped me stop.
Just as Emma hung up the phone my head was in the bucket, Em rubbed my back and told me
"Snow's coming over to watch you, and don't even bother arguing with me," I couldn't reply ! was still vomiting into the bucket, I finally finished and lifted my head, I wiped my mouth,
"ok Em, I'm not in a fighting mood" "good, I have to leave now Snow won't be long" "Ok love you Em, I'll see you after work" "Love you too Gina"Emma last said, she kissed me on my cheek and walked downstairs, and left. I was alone, I was still feeling dizzy and now I was feeling cold, I brought the blanket right up to my neck, I really didn't feel well.

5 minutes later the front door opened, "it's just me Regina" it was Snow, Snow came upstairs and walked into my room, "are you alright Regina?" Snow asked actually sounding worried, "no not really" I replied telling the truth. Snow removed the bucket and emptied it out, cleaned it and returned it to me just in time, my head was back in the bucket again, "'ll go and make you some soup Regina" "Thank you Snow" was all I could say before my head was down again. Snow went downstairs and made me some soup, I had finally stopped vomiting but even though I was laying down I still felt dizzy, I drifted off to sleep thinking that would help.

I got about 15minutes sleep when Snow walked into my room, all I could smell was the soup which made me feel quite queasy, she brought the soup over to me and put it in front of me, l took one spoon full and my head was back in the bucket, I didn't feel as dizzy anymore which was good, Snow took the soup away and covered me back up with my blankets, she closed the curtains so the sunlight wouldn't shine through, and let me go to sleep.

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