Chapter 5

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I was now 16 weeks, a baby bump was beginning to appear, I was starting to actually look pregnant, my morning sickness has finally stopped, but now my cravings are driving Em crazy, l've been making her drive out super late to get me food, my biggest craving was chocolate, I had gone through so much chocolate in the last couple of weeks, another one of my cravings were pancakes, we had, had pancakes every day for breakfast for 2 weeks now, and that was also my afternoon tea some days, my healthier cravings were strawberries and blueberries, I would eat 5 punnetts a week, haha poor Em, the shopping list got bigger and bigger every week, a couple of times l've made Emma drive to the 24/7 Storybrooke Burgers at midnight to get me a cheeseburger and fries.
Today was the day of my 16week checkup, Em and I finally got to see our baby again, we were bother so excited, I was also getting back the results to my blood and urine samples, Snow was taking us to the checkup today, Charming was at the sheriff station today, the only reason Snow was taking us was because we had Henry with us and he can't come in the room with us. Henry sat in the front with his grandmother, I was in the back with Em, who had her hand on my stomach, I had felt the baby move only once, I was hoping my baby would move while Emma had her hand on my stomach, there was a lot of traffic today so it took us twice as long to get to the hospital, it made Em and I late, when we arrived Snow dropped us off at the front and then went to find parking, Emma and I quickly walked into the hospital entrance and paced up to the front desk,
"Emma and Regina to see the obstetrician, were late" Emma said to the lady at the front desk,
"that's ok the doctor is running late, please take a seat," Emma and I went and took a seat, Snow and Henry soon walked in, Snow was holding Henry's hand, they looked cute together, they saw us sitting and waiting, "I thought you would have gone straight in," "the doctor is running late" I let Em tell Snow, Henry and Snow came and sat down next to us, Snow actually came and sat down next to me, I was amazed, after all those times l've tried killing her, maybe she is finally getting over it, well it's about time maybe even overdue.

We had been waiting for nearly 30 minutes, Em and I were holding hands like we always do, we loved each other so much, I suddenly felt something, it was the baby, I quickly grabbed Em's hand and placed it on my stomach, I was smiling, "did you feel that Emma?" "OMG, yes I felt that, was that our baby?" Emma said with a huge smile growing on her face, "Yes Em that was our baby," "what happening?" Snow asked "I just felt our baby move mom, it was amazing," Emma relied to her mom smiling like crazy, I think that made her day, "oh wow that's excellent sweetie" Snow replied to Em. "Ms. Mills" the doctor yelled out looking around, I stood up, Em stood up with me, the doctor saw me stand up,
"Ms. Mills?" the doctor asked while looking at me, "yes" "please follow me," Emma and I followed the doctor into the room, there was a hospital gown already on the bed, waiting for the next patient which was me, "please get into the gown Ms. Mills and I'll be back in a couple of minutes," "ok, thank you" I said as he walked out, I took off my blouse and my pants and got into the gown and got sat up on the bed. Em took her seat next to me, llaid down and Em grabbed hold of my hand, the doctor walked in and took his seat and got the ultrasound ready, he lifted my gown and squeezed the gel onto my lower abdomen, the gel was colder this time then the last, he picked up the transducer probe and started moving it around my stomach, "well everything looks perfectly fine Ms. Mills, your baby is the perfect size and looks healthy," he turned the screen so Emma and I could see it, it actually looked more like a baby this time, "can you tell if it is a girl or a boy?" Emma asked the obstetrician, "yes I can tell, would you like to know?" he asked the both of us "yes please" Em and I both said, we both wanted to know so when the baby was born he/she would have either pink or blue clothes and a painted room to match the sex, "ok well by the looks of this you will be having a baby girl Ms. Mills," Emma and I looked at each other both with smiles, we both wanted a little girl, "that's amazing Gina, were going to have a little girl" "I know Em, I'm so happy,"
"would you like a video Ms. Mills and Ms. Swan?" the doctor asked the both of us, "YES PLEASE" we both exclaimed, "ok, I will go and get the video for you, I will also come back with your text results from the last examination" the doctor told us, he gave me a wipe to wipe the gel off with and left the room. Em wiped the gel off for me, while I still had my gown up Em placed her hand on my bare stomach and cuddled into me, "I'm so happy Gina" "I can tell Emma, l'm so happy too," once Emma moved her hand I sat up and got back into my clothes and sat back on the bed and waited for the doctor to come back, Em and I were talking to each other about baby names, we had a few in mind, the doctor cam waltzing in, "here is your video, and all you results came back perfect, very healthy, if you just go up to the front desk and make another appointment in 4 weeks you should be able to get in," "thank you Dr." I said to him, I grabbed my bag and my girlfriend who was holding the video and what looked like daydreaming and we walked out and into the waiting room, firstly we went up to the front desk and made an appointment 4 weeks from today, we were able to get in which was good, I was over the moon, so happy that we were having a little girl. Em and I walked over to Snow and Henry, "is everything ok?" Snow asked "yes better then fine we found out what we're having" Em replied,
"what are you having mom?" Henry interrupted Snow "Henry don't interrupt, were having a little girl, you're going to have a little sister," Emma said to Henry in her motherly tone, "oh wow that's excellent Mom, yay l've always wanted a sister" Henry said, "that's excellent" Snow said,
"we also have a video, now we can see our baby anytime we want" I added. We all walked out to the car, I wrapped my arm around Emma's waist as we made ourselves comfortable in the car,
"Em I need to go maternity clothes shopping, these pants are super uncomfortable and it's hurting my stomach," "yeah sure Gina, we will go tomorrow" "thanks Em." We arrived at the mansion, "would you like to come in for a coffee Snow?" I asked just to be nice, "umm, yeah sure" Snow answered me back, Snow drove up the drive and parked the car, we all walked inside, Emma went and turned the kettle on while I went upstairs and got out of my very uncomfortable pants and put something comfy on. I walked back downstairs Em and Snow already had their coffee, Henry had his hot cocoa and Emma had made me a tea, I went and joined them at the table, Snow was mainly talking to Emma and Henry, I was daydreaming, I had been daydreaming a lot lately, mainly about Emma and me having sex, our sex life at the moment was, well let me just say there had been no sex, Henry was always with us and Emma and I were always working, I still had a town to run, even though the town hated me they had no choice, Emma was always at the station, I really missed it. Emma got up with Snow at the same time and walked out of the dining room leaving me with just Henry, "have you finished all you homework Henry?" "yes mom, it's all finished," "that's good, now come and give me a cuddle I haven't had one today," Henry came up to me and gave me a huge hug, I loved my son's hugs, they were the best hugs, well and Em's too, I felt the baby move again so l grabbed Henry's hand and placed it on my stomach, I saw a smile beginning to appear on his face, "what was that mom?" "It was your baby sister Henry," "OMG, are you serious mom, that was totally awesome," "yes Henry I'm being serious" Henry still had his hand on my stomach secretly hoping he would feel it again.

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