Chapter 7

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We just had my 28 week checkup, everything was still perfect, my belly was the right size, and all my results were perfect. At my 20 week checkup, our daughter was perfect, she was the perfect baby, perfectly healthy, the perfect size and everything, I could feel the baby move a lot know, and she was kicking, although sometimes she would kick into my spleen, which really hurt, it was amazing, the whole pregnancy was amazing even the bad parts, I was just so happy, and so was Emma. This time it was just Em and I who went to the check up, we got more photos, of course. I was now into my third trimester which was the final trimester, Em and I couldn't wait to meet our little girl, I felt huge now and I looked it. Today Em, Snow, Henry and I were going baby shopping again, we had already bought a whole heap of clothes, and other stuff, and today we were looking for a pram, a bassinet and other things. Our daughter's room was all painted, of course we painted it pink, and we had prettied it all up with butterfly and fairy stickers, it looked gorgeous.

We returned home with a pram and a beautiful white bassinet, and other little goodies, the bassinet was in a flat pack so Em and I thought we would leave it up to Charming to put together, we weren't going to use magic to build it, Emma had made our house magic free, it was extremely hard for me, magic (dark magic) was all I knew for so many years, but I would give up anything to be with Emma. Snow gave Charming a call and he came straight over, he put it together for us in a flash, it didn't take him long at all, now the room was complete all ready for our daughter, I was due in about 2 months, Henry was also super excited, he was really excited to meet his little sister. I had been in bad moods the last couple of days, and was taking my anger out on Em and Henry, I never meant to, it was just all part of the pregnancy, Henry and Em had gotten used to it so they knew that when I was mad and started yelling to stay out of my way, they were both very helpful.

Emma had a big surprise for me tomorrow I had no idea what it was, she had given me no clues, Snow knew what is was though, Charming and Snow have finally started to like me, they knew I had changed and that's what they wanted to see, they were talking to me more and more, they were actually starting to accept me into the family, I was greeted with smiles from them now, Emma was so happy about all of that. I decided to have an early night tonight my feet were hurting and I was so tired, I hadn't been sleeping properly, I gave Em a kiss goodnight, Em was still talking to Snow and Charming, Henry was already in bed asleep, I was no longer afraid to kiss Em on those gorgeous lips of hers in front of her parents and they weren't just pecks anymore,
" I'll be up soon Gina, "that's ok Em, you talk to your parents for as long as you want," "we can go if you wish Regina," Snow and Charming asked me, "no, you stay" I told them as I walked upstairs, I made myself comfortable in bed and quickly fell asleep.

Happy ending~ Swanqueen Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora