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It was their last night in there and Candace was having a conversation with a few new friends near the campfire. Her eyes were on Lulu who was at the opposite direction of the fire and sitting alone with a rugby player. The rugby team had joined to the party since their training field was close to the camping area.

He was tall and broad chested, Candace could saw his muscles despite the darkness. His tanned skin and warm demeanor made her thought that he was a Latin. Lulu seemed relax with him, they were drinking beer and smiling, their knees were touching. Candace hoped that Lulu would be pleasant at the end of the night, then gave her attention to the girl sitting next to her.

After a while she turned to check them again and found Lulu sitting on his knee. They were literally devouring each other's lips, like there was no one around them. Well, they were tipsy enough to act like that. Lulu's fingers were in his hair and one of his hands was under Lulu's dress, caressing her thigh. Candace watched them intently, the view was pleasurable.

The intense kiss lasted for a few minutes, then Lulu ripped her lips from their kiss and whispered something into his ear. Candace witnessed how his face splitted with a wide smile as he nodded. Then Lulu gave him a one last peck and stood up, took his hand firmly. They walked towards the tent and Lulu turned around to see Candace. They had agreed on this earlier, Candace would wait outside till Lulu come out and let her inside. Candace held her gaze, lifted her fists on the air and pulled her elbows towards her own hips for a few times as wincing. She loved teasing Lulu whenever she saw her getting laid. Lulu shook her head as smiling and they entered the tent, hand in hand.

Candace didn't know how many times she checked her watch but this was nonsense. It's been nearly an hour they had left and still no one had come outside. She had thought about to check them for a few times, but had changed her mind because of the risk of encountering the man when he was leaving.

She knew Lulu liked foreplays more than necessary but this had lasted too much even for her. If they weren't telling their life stories each other, they must have fallen asleep. Candace felt uncomfortable about the idea, she had no one close enough to ask them let her in their tent.

Before she got nervous, she saw him coming out of the tent. His muscled chest was naked and he was holding his t-shirt in his hand. Candace watched him stretching his neck and wearing the t-shirt with slow moves. She stood up as he was walking away and looked at him proudly. Lulu really could find a man who was worthy to get laid in a lame camp like this.

She entered into the tent and found Lulu leaning on the sleeping bag on her stomach. "Eww, it stinks sex in here." She muttered loudly and went for one of the tent windows, tried to open its zipper. Then she took a look at her friend who didn't move since she came in. "Hey, Lulu. Are you alive?" Lulu didn't answer, not even let out a sound.

Candace came closer to her for opening the second window and examined her situation. Lulu's dress had bunched around her waist, her bra was gone and her panties had slipped onto one of her ankles. Candace tried to quench her giggle, her friend looked completely disheveled.

"Lulu, how was it?" Candace asked curiously as examining her sluggish limbs. Lulu's back was shining with sweat under the dim light of their tent and her hair was messy, sprawled around her pillow.

"No." Lulu moaned, her voice quenced by the sleeping bag.

"No what?" Candace slightly got stressed, something was wrong with Lulu. "Was it bad?"

She tried to scrutinize Lulu's body closer, and saw her buttcheeks were reddened. There were trails of nails on her back and a few hickeys were planted on her shoulders. Lulu always hated hickeys.

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