Chapter 20

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Emery Rose

As I lay in bed, the darkness enveloping me like a suffocating blanket, I couldn't escape the whirlwind of emotions raging inside me. Try as I might, sleep remained elusive, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, silent witnesses to the pain that consumed me.

Ever since Amelia's passing, the nights had become my enemy, each moment of darkness a reminder of the void she had left behind. Sleep had become a luxury I could no longer afford, my mind plagued by memories of happier times, now tarnished by the cruel reality of her absence.

Tonight was no different. As I tossed and turned, my thoughts inevitably turned to Justin and Leslie-, the heartache, the raw pain of their betrayal. The image of them together, kissing, haunted me, tormenting me with its vividness every time I closed my eyes.

Normally, when I felt this way, I threw myself into cheerleading practice, letting the energy and camaraderie of my teammates lift me up. But tomorrow loomed ominously, knowing that I would have to face Leslie, my former best friend, on the cheerleading squad.

How could she do this to me? How could she betray my trust in such a cruel way? The thought of seeing her made my stomach churn with a mix of anger and hurt. She was someone I thought I could confide in, someone I believed would always have my back. But now, she was just another painful reminder of the fragility of trust.

As tears welled up in my eyes, I buried my face in my hands, allowing myself to grieve for the loss of not only a relationship, but a friendship that I had cherished so deeply.

I couldn't help but question everything, replaying moments in my mind, searching for signs that I had missed, clues that could have warned me of the impending betrayal. But the memories only served to deepen the ache in my heart, reminding me of the innocence and trust that had been shattered in an instant.

Every time Justin mentioned he was going out with the boys, every unanswered call, every excuse about forgetting to pick me up – they all played like a broken record in my mind. Each instance now seemed like a glaring red flag, a sign that I had chosen to ignore in my blind trust.

I trusted him when he lied. I trusted her. The realization cut deep, slicing through the facade of security I had built around our relationship. How could I have been so naive? How could I have failed to see the truth that was staring me in the face all along?

I couldn't help but question every word, every action, searching for the truth hidden beneath the lies and deceit.

I hate them both.

Desperate for relief, I found my thoughts drifting to the comforting embrace of food.

The gnawing hunger in my stomach intensified, distracting me from my futile attempts to find rest. My mind conjured images of sweet indulgences—chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, anything to soothe my frayed nerves and quiet the persistent rumblings within.

Glancing around the guest room, I sought solace in the familiar surroundings. The walls, painted a soothing shade of sky blue, exuded a sense of calm, adorned with framed photographs and artwork that added a touch of warmth to the space. An old armchair sat nestled in the corner, its plush cushions beckoning invitingly, while a soft throw blanket draped over its arm served as a silent invitation to comfort.

But despite the tranquility of my surroundings, the hunger persisted, an insistent reminder of my unease.

Okay, what if I just got one cookie? Grayson wouldn't notice, and I bet he wouldn't mind.

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