Chapter 18: Manaphy

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On the final day of supervising Team Awesome's cleaning duty, Frosslass's smile was practically ear to ear. She couldn't contain her amusement as she reminisced about the various mishaps that had occurred during their month-long assignment.

One incident stood out vividly in her memory. Alex had gotten a little too enthusiastic with the mop, resulting in an excessively wet floor. Farfetch'd, rushing to deliver a new flower vase to Guildmaster Altaria, ended up slipping and causing a vase catastrophe, much to Farfetch'd's dismay. 

"*fuming* Alex, do you have any idea what you've done?! You turned the floor into an ice rink, and now I've got a cracked head and a broken vase for guildmaster Altaria!" Farfetch’d shouted while rubbing his head.

"*nervously* I-I'm sorry, Farfetch'd! I just got a bit carried away with the mop." Alex responded while looking down.

"*skeptical* Carried away?! You practically had me doing figure skating moves! Do I look like a Bidoof to you?" Farfetch’d protested.

"*sheepishly* N-no, Farfetch'd, you definitely don't look like a Bidoof. I won’t do it again, I promise… are you gonna hit me with your leek?" Alex asked, preparing for a possible impact.

"*grumbling* You bet! This leek shouldn’t be wasting its time on you guys! And next time, keep the floor dry or else I'll give you a leek you won't forget!" Farfetch’d shouted back as he went for his leek.

After some leek whacks and ice age treatment by Frosslass to teach Alex a lesson about floor mopping.

As for Elton, Frosslass was particularly relieved that she no longer had to supervise him. It seemed like fate conspired against them, as Elton had a knack for accidentally bonking her head at every turn.

The mishaps had become a source of amusement for the other teams except for guildmaster Altaria, Frosslass and Farfetch’d.

As Frosslass bid farewell with a relieved smile, Team Awesome felt a sense of freedom from her supervision, though it was tinged with a hint of sarcasm in her parting words.

Farfetch'd stepped forward, announcing a new mission awaiting them. Elton's excitement peaked as he eagerly inquired about the details.

Farfetch'd deadpanned, revealing that their mission involved babysitting Togedemaru and Komala's egg while the duo went grocery shopping.

Initially enthusiastic, Elton's enthusiasm waned as Alex voiced skepticism about more chores.

Farfetch'd swatted Alex with his leek in response, confirming that indeed, it was more chores. With a warning and a bit of humor, Farfetch'd sent them on their way to babysit the egg, hoping to avoid any further leek whacks in the process.

After settling into Togedemaru and Komala's house and being entrusted with the egg, Alex and Elton were left in shock at the sight of the mysterious light blue egg with a noticeable red top.

Elton, always ready with a comment, speculated that the pair must have had some wild escapades to produce such an egg. However, Komala quickly clarified that they found the egg weeks ago at Seablor Cave during a visit to Sariel, a very far state.

As Togedemaru and Komala bid farewell, leaving the egg in their care, Alex and Elton found themselves faced with a rather uneventful mission.

Hours passed, and the monotony of egg-sitting was starting to get to them. To alleviate the boredom, they resorted to snooping around and stumbled upon some private items, including Komala's diary. Elton couldn't resist the temptation to read aloud, revealing Komala's unexpected affinity for wood-related activities.

Just as they were engrossed in their discoveries, a loud crack echoed through the house, prompting Alex and Elton to rush downstairs in a panic to check on the egg's well-being.

As they rushed back to the egg, they witnessed it beginning to crack. What started as a small fissure quickly expanded into a large crevice, emitting a radiant light before a sudden flashbang-like effect filled the room.

Amidst their screams of excitement, Alex and Elton turned to find Togedemaru and Komala returning from their shopping trip. Their dropped groceries paled in comparison to the sight before them.

Before their amazed eyes, the egg had hatched into a newborn Manaphy. Togedemaru joyfully knocked Alex over in her excitement, tenderly greeting the baby Manaphy, who responded with a happy smile and giggles.

Togedemaru proudly showed off their adorable new addition to Komala, who couldn't help but be charmed by the baby's outstretched arms, silently asking for a hug.

As the family adjusted to their newfound responsibilities, everything seemed well until the baby Manaphy's cries pierced the air.

Alex suggested the baby might be hungry, but none of the food they offered seemed to appease it. Elton then proposed taking the baby to Farfetch'd, the guild's resident know-it-all, hoping he might have a solution to the wailing cacophony, albeit after enduring the ear-splitting cries themselves.

The sight of the elusive and mythical Manaphy shocked everyone in the guild, including Farfetch'd, who was known for his vast knowledge.

Under Elton's pressure to find a solution for Manaphy's loud cries, Farfetch'd racked his brain for what the rare Pokémon might eat. After a long pause, he tentatively suggested a Blue Gummi, a suggestion that surprised even himself.

Without delay, Elton got a Blue Gummi and offered it to Manaphy, who calmed down upon seeing the treat and eagerly devoured it. Elton noted that Manaphy seemed to like Blue Gummis, prompting him to give the parents a bag full of them.

As the curfew hours were in effect, Farfetch'd instructed them to stay at the guild for the night. The duo, along with their newborn, were assigned to stay with Team Awesome.

Nightfall came, and everyone settled into the room. Togedemaru and Komala chose their beds while attempting to place Manaphy in the crib, but the baby Pokémon vehemently refused and let out another scream.

Ultimately, Manaphy ended up nestled in Alex's bed, much to his horror. When Alex mentioned that he tended to sleep restlessly, the parents were adamant that Manaphy stayed comfortable, leading Alex to resign himself to sleeping on the floor for the night.

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