Where a Rat Can be a Rat

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Marcel confidently rushes through the kitchen and out to the dining area and shouts out to the customers.

MARCEL: "Alright everybody, due to the recent human scare- the restaurant is now closed! Everybody please go home- oh and uh no refunds. Thank you!"

All the customers groan and leave the building, and Carol approaches Marcel.

CAROL: "What in the world are you doing? We don't need to close the restaurant because of the human; when they don't catch anyone before they leave- they don't come back."

MARCEL: "You're right Carol, we don't."

CAROL: "What?"

Marcel walks into the kitchen.

MARCEL: "Everybody, stop cooking- and- dishwashing- and whatever else you're doing- okay- I have a very special announcement. I've planned something very cool and very awesome just for you guys. Now, it is mandatory and you will have to come to work an hour early-"

Everyone groans.

MARCEL: "-but it will be worth it! For the preparation I will need you guys to leav-"

Everybody except for Greg and Carol zoom out of the building. Marcel faces Carol with a big smile on his face.

MARCEL: "Oh look they're so excited- already rushing home to get their rest for tomorrow."

CAROL: "What are you even planning to do?"

MARCEL: "That's a surprise. You'll have to wait till then to find out!"

Greg approaches Marcel.

GREG: "Excuse me, Mr. Toing- I can't just go home- I mean- I need to meet my 40 hours for this week or I can't afford to keep my hole in the wall."

MARCEL: "Oh, uhm. Hmm, Well..?"

He looks at Carol and around the room, then sighs deeply. He takes out his fat, protruding   wallet, looking at it reluctantly. He takes out a few stacks of cheddar and squeezes his eyes shut as he hands it to Greg.

MARCEL: "Here's..." he sighs. "double what you would have been paid..."

GREG: "Oh my god- really? Thanks- I mean-" He says as he takes the cheddar while smiling.

MARCEL: "Go spend time with your family."

Greg smiles and nods.

GREG: "You got it, boss!"

Greg exits the room, leaving Carol and Marcel. Carol looks at Marcel with an impressed smile on her face.

MARCEL: "What? What's with the face?"

CAROL: "I'll see you tomorrow."

MARCEL: "5 am!"

Carol walks away with her smile remaining, and Marcel is ready to get to work.

Marcel gathers cheese, sauce, and flour, placing them on the kitchen counter. He gets all the ingredients he needs to make the perfect pizza- or just.. a pizza. A pizza party is exactly what will distract them, according to Marcel. They will be dazzled by his amazing cooking skills- like usual, and will lose all their suspicions. As he looks at all the ingredients, he pauses. Marcel realizes that he has absolutely zero clue how pizza is even made. Maybe if he actually spent some time watching over the kitchen or learning how to actually cook from his father, he wouldn't be staring mindlessly at the stove, but he didn't. He was lazy, and took the easy route and now is on the brink of an anxiety attack. About the same thoughts from after his exposition fill his head. "They're going to find out." "They're going to hate me." all sending his mind on an endless spiral of self doubt and guilt. But, he eventually calms himself down and gets to work.

Ratatoing Rewritten: ToingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant