The divide between clans pt.1

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As a child I was always taught to be the best of the best, training everyday until I dropped to the ground with exhaustion. My father would always tell me I needed to beat the "prodigy", meaning the latest member of the 'Gojo clan' . My father was the best sorcerer I knew, I trusted and followed his every word without a second thought. I didn't know what he meant at the time by the "prodigy" but he made sure I knew all about the Gojo clan and it's history.

When I wasn't training, which was typically on the weekends to give my body a rest, I was studying. By the age of 8 I had memorised every rule jujutsu sorcerers had to follow, the laws, the clans, and all about the different clans jujutsu styles. It was clear when my father was teaching me that he despised the Gojo clan but he would never tell me why, and I didn't want to ask. all I wanted as a child was to win my father's approval and hear one praise from him, I did everything to make sure I was perfect so I didn't displease him.

One day my father was travelling, so I was free to do what I wanted while he was gone, that's when I met him. I didn't know who he was at first until he ran up to me and introduced himself, "hi, Saturo Gojo, of the Gojo clan, and you are?" I must admit what I did next was rude but how could I be friends with the enemy? "Gojo huh? You don't look all that impressive, you have no business asking for my name in such a common manner!" I expected him to get upset but instead he just smirked, put his hands in his pockets and walked away. While leaving he shouted "It was nice to meet you y/n of the Zenin clan"

I was stunned! Was I really that obvious? I didn't say a word that would connect me to the Zenin clan. Father was right, He really is something else. My father arrived home after the weekend, as soon as he got through the door I begged him to teach me how to be mysterious and how to tell who people were when I first lay eyes on them, even just a glance at them I wanted to know exactly who they were! He seemed pleased at and I saw him smile for the first time since my mother died on a mission. He spent the next 7 years teaching me everything I needed to know before starting jujutsu high.

I didn't see Gojo again after that day until the first day of school. He was in my class, I made it my mission to make sure I was better than him in every way! he was kind of lazy so it wasn't that hard at all... but when it came to missions, that, was a different story. He would always show up Half way through the battle and defeat the curses in an instant! I understood why my father hated them so much, all they do is sit around then fly in last minute to take all of the glory and credit, And that boy still had the audacity to act like we were friends?! No way! Not in a million years! "I'm gonna take you down Saturo Gojo" I said "people bow on their knees for you because you're claimed to be a "prodigy" just watch! I'll best you one day, that's a promise!" Geto intervened and calmed me down, he was best friends with Gojo but he was kind and was also a good friend of mine.

I will make sure my clan is known as the best, it's my life's mission, it's what I need to do to finally win my fathers approval and no one was getting in the way of that! I trained like a dog and quickly improved. I was now as fast and as smooth as him and I will continue to grow until I surpass that jerk! But still. I had this sinking feeling that Gojo knew something I didn't, the reason behind our clan's rivalry, something I have been dying to know since I could remember. I'd soon find out my sinking feeling was right.

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