The begining of a beautiful friendship

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After "agreeing on putting the past behind us" I learned a-lot about Gojo, for example he loves candy and anything sweet, and his favourite food is Kikufuku , and his favourite colour is blue, nothing useful for me to use against him. And I thought he talked a lot before BOY was I wrong!

"So why the sudden change of heart? Your not planning to destroy me, are you y/n?" he asked while smirking and pulling his glasses half way down his nose. "So I was right. You really are crazy." I said with a smug look on my face. "One day I'll get you to smile y/n, and when I do I want a big basket filled with sweets and a GIANT Kikufuku!" "Keep dreaming" I replied.

A month went by and I was starting to feel bad for what I was trying to do, but I quickly snapped myself out of it and reminded myself that I needed to make my father proud! But Gojo is a good person. no matter how lazy or full of himself he is, he always shows up for his friends and helps them when they're in need. I found myself thinking "what if I was born in a different clan? Maybe I could actually be friends with him and not have to pretend"

That same month we moved up to Grade 2 sorcerers. the first two to be moved up in our class, due to our single missions and our team missions. No one was surprised Gojo skipped 3 grades. me on the other hand, everyone but Gojo and Geto thought I had secret help or something. "What a piss take" I thought to myself. "I work hard, I have dedicated my whole life to jujutsu, how dare they doubt me!"

A couple months later the guilt got the best of me. While I was on my way to confess and apologies to Gojo I ran into Geto who was crying and covered in blood. "He's dead! Y/n, Gojo is dead! Someone broke past the seal, his power was beyond anything I've ever seen! He's gone!" I fell to my knees in tears regretting everything I had done and now, I wouldn't be able to tell Gojo the truth "Geto it's not true. tell me your lying!" I said as I sobbed "y/n I'm so sorry I couldn't protect him it's all my fault." "No it's that bastards fault and I'm going to kill him with no remorse" Geto suddenly stopped crying, he was now in shock by what he had just heard. " your not seriously going to go after someone who managed to take down Gojo are you?!" I looked at him with dead eyes " he will pay"

As I got to the place Gojo was claimed to be dead i witnessed something incredible. He wasn't dead! He was stronger than ever! But, something was different, he wasn't himself. The man who broke past the seal stared at him in shock, as did I while we witnessed him release his full power. He succeeded in defeating the man known as Toji Fushiguro. Immediately afterwards i ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU IDIOT" I shouted at him while bursting into tears for the second time. "I'm okay, everything's fine. Wait. Why are you here?" He asked worryingly while petting my head. "Geto ran to me and told me you were gone. I got scared but then angry and came to kill that idiot!" I said while squeezing him tighter. He starts to cough "easy, easy I couldn't heal everything, so be careful, I'm fragile". "Sorry, I'm just so happy your alive!", "Aweeee so you do have feelings" he said while chuckling.

"Gojo I need to tell you something..." he looked at me curiously "yes? What's wrong?". I started sobbing even harder "I'm so sorry, I pretended to be your friend these last couple of months so I could take down you and your clan so my father would finally be proud of me, but i ended up really caring about you, and I've felt so guilty and I was on my way to tell you when I ran into Geto" I pulled away expecting him to be angry but he pulled me back in "I know. I'm not angry at you, we all make mistakes. we're convinced we're doing what's right even though it's wrong but don't realise until it's too late. I've known from the start. Y/n? Don't cry I'm still your friend and you are mine" he said with a big smile on his face. "You are truly crazy Saturo Gojo"

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