10 bundles of joy

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Johnny's POV:
Tuesday. June 11th
After Steve's little misshap at the mall. We're all very worried about when exactly it was that shot him. Why would someone do that? He's back at home now, but his back is till healing.

With me going home less and less and my parents seeming to not care. I feel the need to clear my head. So I go on a walk. Through the flowers like always, and guess who was watching and waiting.

"Out taking a walk?" He's already walking my way.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Mind if I join?"

I give him a look, he knows I don't mind.

"Actually I have somewhere else I wanna take you." He takes my hand and takes me into the woods the litteral woods, but it's pretty.

"For years I always dreamed of taking a girl here. But it was just a dream. Now it's real life, only I don't have a girl. I have you." He makes me sound so special.

I looked around. The trees looked sturdy and bright with life.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask him.

"Of c-"

I take the back of his head and bring or lips straight together. We back up into a tree and slowly slide down it until I'm in his lap. But we don't stop.

We keep kissing until I go down and mark up his neck. His chest too.

He does the same to me before he comes back to my lips.

He both stop and sigh, but I don't feel like we're done.

"Do you feel that?" My breath is shaking.

"Yeah." His is too.

We seem to scan each other. He slowly pulls away when he realizes his hands are on my ass, mine are on his waist.

"S-sorry." He blushes.

"No it's fine that feels really good." I put his hands back.

I start kissing again this time, slower, like a tease.

But I feel hotter and hotter then he curses,
"aw fuck~" his eyes meet mine and he looks like he's begging himself not to cum again.

I whimper once and then I it feels like I can't stop, so I don't. Our bodies quiver together and I warn him as best as I can, "mhmm~ I'm cumming~"

Then we both cum ourselves in unison. Welp, looks like we're taking a nap in the woods.

I think we do sit there for a second with our eyes closed. Then he sighs, "we outta go inside and get changed."

"Yeah, but we gotta find our way back first." I get off of him and help him up.

We walk back to his house and go in through the back door, so nobody sees all the cum on our pants. We shower quick this time and change even quicker.

Darry pops in, "good thing y'all are back. Momma wants to do a family game night."

"On a Tuesday?" Pony sounds as confused as me.

"Yeah. Ya'know Steve got released yesterday and he's here now, so she's kinda excited." He nods.

"Okay, well then we're coming." Me and Pony start walking as he says this.

Everyone's in the living room, so me and Pony pick a spot on the couch as well.

We play a few rounds of life. Steve and Momma Curtis both winning away.

"Okay I think we've played enough, but I love having all my babies around." She sighs, "let's talk."

"Can I tell y'all something?" Darry's smiling but not happily almost worried like.

"Of course." Soda's encouragement.

"My girlfriend's pregnant."

Blank stares from all of us.

Then Steve sighs and goes "aw man, I'm sorry Dar. You've been out of school forever."

"She's only four weeks pregnant. I was with her four weeks ago."

"I thought you didn't have anyone to bring to the table..." I'm still in a daze.

"I don't know it was just a lot to explain. I've been with her seven months." He tells us. "Her name's Lorraine. I met her at bar, of course neither of us were supposed to be there, but I'm not mad we were."

(Idk y but somehow we're in pony's pov now

"Why haven't you let us meet her yet?" Mom folds her arms and leans back.

"For me college is three hours away. For her it's only twenty minutes. She lives over two hours away. And I've already met her family. We're just so far out that she would need to plan to come here. Which is kind of hard considering her family."

"What happened to her family?" Steve frowns.

"She has a ten year old little sister, a brother that died eight years ago when he was fifteen, and her dad has been non-existent the whole time. You could say that her mom has her lows." He nods.

"That's so sad." Johnny looks sympathetic.

"Maybe one day we could go up there. I'd love to meet the little lady that's carrying my baby." Momma cooes.

Everything goes quiet for a moment as we all think about the situation. I'll never get anyone pregnant. Johnny won't either. We'll have to adopt our kids or make test tube ones. I don't like thinking about that.

I heard a small knock on the door, but everyone else makes me feel insane, "do y'all not hear that?"

"It's the demons, Pony. They're getting to you."

"Your demons are getting you with that piercing. They even shot you in the back." I shoot back at him as I walk to open the door.

I open it, and what I see is a scared small girl, holding a ballerina plushie.

I bend down to her level, "aw are you lost?"

Her bottom lip quivers and she hugs me, beginning to cry. I pick her up and take her inside.

They all look at me, "who's that?"

I shrug.

I sit down and Johnny takes her, "oh my goodness, what's wrong?"

She wipes her face, "um, my daddy drinks a lot of juice. Then he starts yelling at me. N today he told me to leave."

"Where's your mom?" Momma asks.

"He says she's in time out." She sniffs.

"How long has she been in time out?"


I'm assuming "time out" is prison.

"Normally when my parents drink a lot of uhhh...juice. I leave too." Johnny tells her.

"Your parents drinks juice that makes them mad too?"

"Yeah, they do... other things too that make them mad. And when they drink too much juice they forget about me, or they beat me. But I have cool scars now because of it, but it still hurt." I think he's trying to make it relatable for her so she can explain more.

"When Daddy's on juice I hide because sometimes he touches me badly. He said it's okay cause it's soft touches... I don't like when daddy touches me there." She gets this sick look on her face. You can see it even though she's only very little.

"Hey, how old are you?" Johnny tilts his head.


"Maybe it's not safe for you to go back to your daddy's house for a while."

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now