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Pony's POV:
June 22nd, Saturday
Momma made me go to the grocery store with her. She says I need to stop moping around with the animals. I've even been horse riding trying to give myself something to do. I haven't considered calling any of my friends because I can't tell any of them about him.

At the check out, Mrs. Robinson who is seventy-seven, looks at me and says "I haven't seen you since you were a boy."

I smile at her. I remember when Dad died her and her husband came around a lot to help with us. All four of us.

"You should come around here more." She suggested.

"Maybe I will Mrs. Robinson."

We left after that. When we got back, Baby-Child and Steve were riding on Dr. Pepper (Soda's horse).
She was on the back holding on tight as he got off and put Dr. Pepper back in his pen.

"Well. Well. Well. Look who we've got here?"

Baby-Child laughed in his arms and waved, "hi, Pony."

"Hey, baby-child."

He put her down and told her to go inside.

Then he stepped closer, "Are you okay?"

"What is it to you if I am or not?" I throw my hair to the side. I get that the first two days I was crying with him and shit. But I still don't want Steve all up in my business.

He acts all tough and ruffles his bangs, "shit... nothing, how do you know I'm not asking for Soda?"

"Cause if Soda wanted to ask me he is capable of asking me his own damn self." This conversation is already frustrating me.

"Ponyboy, I'm been around this family since kindergarten I can see it in your eyes when you're fixing to cry, so if you wanna try and be difficult this is just gonna take even longer. I asked you one question."

I spin around in a little circle then I do start crying.
"Are you happy, Steve? Are you happy you're right about every damn thing? Do you feel excited now?"

Then he gives me hug, and let's just say that was much needed.

"I don't think he's ever coming back and I don't know what to do about it. And I can barely tell anyone because they'll think I'm crazy for having a boyfriend in the first place." I feel so soggy and gross in the moment.

"Well for one people are gonna think you're crazy no matter what you do. And two, sometimes you just have to let time play itself out." He pulls away and wipes my face before pushing me, "now." Sigh, "I'm gonna go get Soda and we're gonna go to Steak n' Shake and eat."

He walks away and I go get in the backseat of his car. It smells like his cheap ass cologne. They get in and we roll off.

"Steve, did you ever find out who shot you?" I just need something else to talk about.

"No, but hopefully it was just an accident." He brushes things off so easily.

We ride there and I eat like a bitch they just get milkshakes.

"Ponyboy you're like a damn baby." Here comes Steve. "You cry when you're hungry, you cry when you need to piss. You cry when you're sleepy, or when you miss your mommy."

Soda laughs, wow now I feel amazing!

So you know how I respond to this? By crying. I haven't been this emotional in forever. I think something in me left with Johnny.

"What do you miss about him so much?" Soda's a lot quieter now.

"His presence. That's so stupid, but he was one of the only people I have that could sit with in close, not-awkward, silence. And it was just great. I don't even ever have to talk to him again. I just want him hear." I continue to drink my milkshake as I sniff.

Steve throws some napkins my way, "don't get your sticky, snottiness on my seat." He snarls.

"There's probably been all sorts of sticky shit back here." I complain.

Soda laughs again at this.

"And he's so pretty. Like I've never met a guy that's pretty, but Goddamnit." I lean back in the seat. I think I'm gonna take a nap.

They stay silent enough for me snooze.

When I wake up we're back home and I go into my room to sleep.

I wrap up in my covers, slipping into a dream.

I can't see a thing, but I can feel the softness of his fingers. His kisses on my lips and my neck, and I feel this huge wave of warmth within me.

It's almost like his presence is right in front of me.

"Right there", I hear him whisper.

I listen to whatever he told me to do. And I feel something warm, and tight, and wet go around me.

Oh my gosh. We're losing our virginities.
I thrust in him. No going back now.

I feel his body tighten and head the sound of him cumming. It's angelic. I wish I could see it.

I feel myself release in him. I smile lightly.

"If you never see me again... I love you."

I opened my eyes and what do you know? I was thrusting into my literal bed. My pants full of cum.

"I don't even need to fuck him, I just wish he was here."

The Konley Effect (summer) ~Johnnyboy/StevepopWhere stories live. Discover now