Chapter 1: Part I

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Ethan chose to bring Nathan and Malcolm with him as companions, as he desired to assess Chris's capabilities against multiple adversaries. Malcolm possessed a moderate combat experience, whereas Nathan exhibited a more aggressive approach. Nathan's unique fighting style disregarded conventional rules, making him considerably more ruthless in combat compared to Malcolm or any rational individual. Prior to departing with Ethan, Nathan retrieved a crowbar from the trunk of his vehicle, anticipating an imminent confrontation. Ethan hesitated to respond, cognizant of Raymond's propensity for violent reactions. His apprehension regarding the potential consequences of antagonizing Raymond was explicitly conveyed to Nathan. However, Nathan reassured Ethan that he had no intention of killing Chris, merely incapacitating him and confining him to a hospital bed for an extended duration. Malcolm subsequently became anxious as he began to comprehend the actuality of Nathan sending Chris to the hospital. However, neither Malcolm nor Ethan could reason with him, as Nathan acted according to his own desires. Ethan's father disregarded Nathan's self-assumed responsibility of securing a residency for himself and his brother, Owen. They established their presence by residing in one of the numerous residential properties owned by Ethan's father. Ethan arranged for a private jet to transport them to Chris' last known location, as provided by Owen. Upon arrival, Nathan maintained a low profile while Malcolm and Ethan conducted their search. Ethan agreed to contact Nathan with any updates regarding Chris' whereabouts once he was located. During this period, Chris diligently continued his academic pursuits. He enrolled in online courses to obtain his degree in visual arts. Despite his active participation in fighting tournaments, Chris prioritized his education and remained focused on achieving his academic goals.

Owen successfully located Chris through a public library's camera feed. Owen promptly informed Ethan of his discovery, who subsequently followed up on the intelligence provided. Upon further investigation, Ethan observed Chris in the company of an individual who appeared to be a potential romantic interest. Ethan discreetly monitored their departure from the library and proceeded to follow Chris to his apartment. During this time, Malcolm approached Ethan to inquire about his strategic plan and the rationale behind his request for additional support. Ethan elucidated his intention to assess Chris' combat capabilities against multiple opponents. It was agreed upon that Malcolm and Nathan would collaborate to execute an ambush on Chris at an opportune moment. Ethan meticulously observed and analyzed Chris' habits over an extended period, meticulously gathering crucial information. Concurrently, Nathan was expected to maintain a low profile and remain within the designated Airbnb accommodation as per the instructions issued by Ethan and his father. However, Nathan demonstrated a propensity for independent action and a remarkable resistance to authority. Prior to departing, Nathan took the initiative to conduct his own investigation, deviating from the established plan of awaiting Ethan's directive. Unlike his subordinates, Nathan opted for a more direct approach, reaching out to his brother, Owen, to obtain the address of Chris' gym. Initially, Owen exhibited hesitation due to his awareness of his brother's impulsive nature. Nevertheless, the strength of their fraternal bond ultimately prevailed over their reservations regarding cooperation with Ethan.

Nathan accepted Owen's advice to alter his appearance, making it difficult for others to identify him. Subsequently, Nathan registered at the gym, where he would become the next formidable opponent to be recognized. Similar to Chris, Nathan's reputation rapidly grew, establishing him as an unbeatable force. Nathan exercised restraint but still managed to defeat numerous individuals who dared to challenge him. His ultimate objective was to confront Chris. However, this strategy proved ineffective. He later discovered that Chris's priorities did not include fighting. Chris was held in high regard and acknowledged by his superiors at the gym. Many attempted to ascend the ranks to challenge him, but Chris's decision was respected, as was his character. Nathan's interrogation technique lacked the appropriate level of respect, leading to the current situation. An alternative approach could have involved reaching out to Owen once more to obtain Chris' address. However, Nathan opted for a confrontational approach, seeking an unrestricted fight. Despite his reckless behavior, Nathan employed an alias, recognizing the potential complications and involvement of law enforcement. He effortlessly defeated all the entry-level fighters, progressing to the staff members and ultimately the gym owner. Nathan's combat prowess was exceptional, as he simultaneously engaged and defeated multiple opponents.

Ethan discovered Nathan's behavior and perceived an opportunity. He acknowledged Nathan's unpredictable nature but considered it a necessary impetus for motivating Chris. Before following Chris, Ethan observed his lack of interest in fighting and noted his focus on academics. Malcolm cautioned Ethan against escalating the situation, suggesting they leave Chris alone. However, Ethan shared his suspicions about his father's secretive activities, expressing uncertainty about his intentions but assuming they involved all of them. Subsequently, Ethan disclosed his genuine motive for uniting them. There was no file on Malcolm, but Ethan clarified that his father had one concerning Alex. This provided Malcolm with a clearer understanding of the situation. He subsequently chose to adhere to Ethan's strategy to ensure their collective safety.

Modern Mutants By Cameron Devon Cole (@R3belSix)Where stories live. Discover now