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~Chapter 19~


Seth's Pov:

I ran away from Leah and the pack, of course not forever that would be ridiculous. My mind was clouded with frustration and anger, and also guilt. And the source of it all? My older sister, Leah and the rest. Neither of them was on my side.

I ran through the dense woods, my paws pounding against the moist ground. My mind was in a frenzy, my thoughts jumbled and chaotic. I needed to run, to escape, to release the pent up frustration and anger that consumed me.

It was difficult to deal with my older sister, of course i already saw that coming. And now, on top of that, I had imprinted on a vampire what they call 'leech' or 'curlyhead'. Novaria. It was something I never thought possible, something that took me by surprise.

I always thought I would imprint on some nice random Quileute girl, or maybe one of the crushes I've had. But no, fate seemed had other plans.

As I continued to run, I couldn't help but think about Novaria. The first time I saw her in the mountain yard, I felt nothing but animosity towards her. My pack had always talked about her and her sister Victoria with hatred, especially Jacob.

I saw her standing to her sister, I did noticed how beautiful she was. She just looked around my age. But still, it was nothing more than that. Just a passing thought.

Then the time, I found myself launching towards her, ready to attack. I wanted to rip her head off or sink my teeth into her. But as soon as I met her furious gaze, something changed inside me. My usual sense of aggression and anger suddenly disappeared. Instead..

I felt this strange pull towards her. It was like a gravity, but it wasn't holding me down anymore. It was her. As I looked into her eyes, I saw my future. It was as if everything in my life suddenly clicked into place. In that moment, I knew that I had imprinted on her.

At first, I didn't want to believe it. I ignored it and tried to brush it off. But with each passing minute, the pull became stronger and stronger. I couldn't deny it anymore. This fiery enemy, everyone has warned us about, the kinds that isn't allowed in our land, is now bound to be with me.. which is still unbelievable for me.

It was like she was a magnet and I was just drawn to her, unable to resist. But now, as I trudged through the trees, I couldn't help but wonder if it was too good to be true.

I mean, she was a vampire. Victoria's little sister, the leech everyone has warned us about. How could I, a shape-shifting wolf, ever hope to be with someone like her? It wasn't my choice though, but I couldn't deny it. It seemed ludicrous.

And what about my pack? They were my family, my brothers. But how could I face them now? I feel like i'll be awkward around them staring now. I could already imagine the looks of shock and disgust on their faces.

The flashbacks started flooding my mind. I couldn't control them.

And now, as I stand at the edge of our land, I can see a figure across the way. I quickly recognized it. It was Novaria. She was sitting on a rock with her eyes fixed on the water. She looks lost in thought.

I flopped down on the ground, resting my head on my paws while facing in her direction. My eyes fixed on her, taking the chance to admire every detail of her delicate features and her curly hair that danced in the gentle night breeze.

Novaria eventually lifted her head and her eyes met mine. I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest. I remained still, not wanting to break the moment as I gazed at her and perhaps, a hint of longing.

I also couldn't help that, i can still see her older sister, Victoria in her. They shared a strong resemblance, with their curly hair and palest skin. But Novaria had a certain softness to her that made her stand out from Victoria's fierce and volatile nature. She was more cute, i must say.

I wonder what she looks like if she stood next to me in my human form. She was small, not too small. I remember observing her, Bella was few inches taller while Edward was a whole foot taller than her.

Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize that Novaria had turned her gaze back to the water. I let out a soft whimper, hoping to regain her attention. But she seemed to be lost in her own world, unaware of my longing for her company again.

My heart lifted a little when Novaria looked back at me, and I saw a hint of worry in her expression. But she remained quiet, not saying a word. I couldn't help but wonder if she truly hated me, even after all this time. Well, she really do.

But before I could dwell on it, she stood up and quickly, looking at me one last time before she disappeared into the darkness. I was left confused and a little disappointed. She must really hate me that much. Of course she do. I do too, but that was before.

I couldn't ignore the imprint anymore. It makes me want to be near her. But I can't but i hope it won't last.

With a heavy feeling, I got up and turned to leave as well. I headed back to our pack's home, my mind filled with thoughts of Novaria. Since the imprint, she had always been stuck in my head.

But now perhaps, I should apologize to my older sister for the recent fight, but maybe she would apologize first. After all, she was the one who attacked me first.


𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀 & 𝗙𝘂𝗿: 𝗡𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮'𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 | Twilight.Where stories live. Discover now