Chapter 19: City Cleaning

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A week later, Alex and Elton received another urgent call from President Togekiss. This time, the mission was to liberate the heavily affected city of Partland in the Oregor state, located below Wasl. The city had been ravaged by the darkness cult, with only 10% of its residents alive as the city was being ravaged by the evil cult. President Togekiss emphasized that this was one of the worst cases they had encountered.

For this crucial mission, President Togekiss rallied a much larger Sirilean army, and armies from allied regions were also deployed to join the effort. Additionally, Team Light, renowned for their expertise in battling the darkness cult, was brought in to support Alex and Elton.

As they arrived in Partland, General Aggron of Ethos swiftly divided the forces, assigning Team Light and half of the army to his command as they set out on their mission. Florges wished luck to the remaining soldiers, while Greninja advised them to keep their composure, and Metagross prepared by readying its Metagrossite.

With half of the army marching alongside Team Light, Elton couldn't help but inquire among the soldiers about who would lead them to victory. Alex, on the other hand, seemed indifferent to the question.

Suddenly, a husky yet confident voice declared, "I will." Everyone turned to see the imposing figure of General Gallade, the esteemed leader of Siril's forces, stepping forward. The shock and awe were palpable as the soldiers realized they were under the command of one of Siril's greatest military minds.

General Gallade made his presence known with a grand entrance, and after exchanging pleasantries, he delved into the mission details. Alex and Elton were awestruck; the legendary General Gallade was known to be even stronger than guildmaster Altaria, a fact Elton couldn't resist sharing with Alex in a hushed tone.

In his characteristic manner, General Gallade acknowledged the rumors and quipped that the "old coot" Altaria could learn a thing or two about keeping his cool. With that, he refocused on leading the army, leaving Alex and Elton eager to learn more about how he achieved such a formidable reputation.

"Alright soldiers, our mission is clear. We must defeat the evil Pokémon threatening Partland without causing unnecessary damage to the infrastructure. Our strategy will be the Torterra formation." General Gallade announced.

"Mighty General of Siril, what's the Torterra formation?" A Lantonian soldier asked.

"The Torterra formation involves piercing into the enemy's defense while maintaining a solid defensive perimeter. We'll create a layered approach with our forces, ensuring that the enemy can't break through our formation easily. Inteleons or other sniper pokemons will be in the middle and pokemon with superb eyesight like Staraptor will accompany them, target any airborne or evil pokemon from buildings afar while the vision pokemons will tell them where to shoot. Snipers along with their vision helpers will be put at the 4 directions" General Gallade answered, composed.

"Did you hear that? The Torterra formation is brilliant!" Alex whispered to Elton.

"I know, right? General Gallade's tactical prowess is on another level." Elton whispered back.

"Thank you, soldiers. Preparation and strategy are key to success. Now, let's execute the Torterra formation and bring victory to Partland." General Gallade stated, noticing the admiration of Alex and Elton.

As they stormed through the ruined city, the Torterra formation lived up to its name, proving highly effective. The evil Pokémon were unable to breach the formation and were swiftly defeated.

At the forefront of the formation were Pokémon wielding sharp blades and weapons like Bisharp, leading the charge. Behind them, the second and third lines consisted of Pokémon with additional blades and weapons, ensuring complete coverage of their blind spots. In the middle, healers and snipers strategically positioned themselves, as the flyers utilized their superb vision to guide the snipers on where to aim.

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