He is the real reason why I smile

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Max was sat in his drivers room feeling really down since his girlfriend just broke up with him since she cheated on him and apparently found someone better, Max's dad was just stood there looking at his son feeling bad for him, "how do I make him happy again." "I don't know but he needs to put everything to the side for now it's time to get into the car." Jos nods at Christian and went to max and pats his shoulder, "come son it's time to get into the car and win that race."

Max sniffles and nods before standing up and wiping his tears away, the both of them arrived at the garage and Max put on his ear pice and so on before getting into the car, once he got in the car everything left and now it was time to race to win. once the lights went out the race began and Max was leading. everyone tried to catch up to him but with the help of Checo Max was able to win the race with Checo in second place.

Max, Checo and Charles were having the time of their lives on the podium, when the team noticed how Max was faking everything to make it look like he was having fun made them feel really bad for him, they knew Charles had always liked Max but they didn't want to interfere with any of the drama that was going on with Max and his ex. after the podium celebration was done the three of them did their post race interview and then went to the hotel. the moment Max's room door shut he cried and went to bed.

Checo who was in the room next door heard Max cry and felt really bad for him because Max loved his ex so much that he bought anything she wanted, but the whole grid could see through her and see how she was a gold digger, but the moment Max seen what she had done with some of the things he bought her he stopped buying her thing's,

and when she would ask for anything he would say no and she would throw a tantrum because of it. Max agreed to buy her things again but that night where the both of them needed to go shopping he seen his ex with another guy so he went to confront them and she laughed at Max and told him that she was only with him for the money and fame.

this is why Max never smiled again unless it was his media trained smile he would use when he was in the paddock. Max was now in his hotel room and was still crying but not as bad as before, there was a knock on the door and Max didn't want to get up but he did, once he opened the door and seen it was Charles stood there he just look's at him, "are u ok." "no I am not ok but what can I do." "do you want to talk about it." Max nods, Charles enters the room and sat down on the bed, Max closed the door and also sat on the bed.

"ok tell me what has been bothering you because Checo came to me earlier to ask me to come check up on you." "I am hurt." "who hurt you." "my ex." "ugh that hoe." Max looks at Charles with an angry look. "Max u can't look at me like that we both know she cheated on u several times and u kept forgiving her to much." "I know." "now where has that lion gone to hmm." "I don't think I can be like that again."

"of course you can but it will take it's time but for now just enjoy being single it's the best because you don't need to worry about anything." Max laugh's at Charles. that night Charles had stayed with Max just to keep him company and the both of them watched as movie together. so when it came to the next race Max was back to his old way and was feeling better about it. Charles hadn't left Max's side unless it was to race but once they got to the hotel they would cuddle and watch movies.

as time went on Max had caught feelings for Charles but never told him because he was scared about what one Charles would say and two what his dad would say, so when Max told his mom she was happy about it, Max was currently telling his dad about it, "so ur telling me that he makes u smile and feel different." "yes dad he does." "so did Lidia but she cheated on you I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"dad like I said I know Charles he wouldn't do what that bitch did." "are you sure now." "yes dad I am sure because he is the real reason why I have been smiling a load more and not the smile being fake." "all right you can be with him but the moment he dares to hurt you I will hurt him first." "he won't hurt me dad I promise." "ok, ok now get ready because u need to win this race." Max nods and then leaves his driver's room and made his way to the garage.

once the race was over Max had won with Checo in second place and Charles in third place, when fan's seen that Max was more happy than usual people started to suspect that a certain driver made him smile like he was. that night when Charles was setting up the movie for the both of them Max was in the bathroom getting changed and thinking to him self if he should tell Charles that he likes him.

so after a few minutes Max leaves the bathroom, and jumps onto the bed and smiles at Charles, "what's got u all happy." "I want to ask you something." "what is it u wanted to ask me." "I really like you Charles and I have done for a while but I was scared to tell you that is why I got with Lidia to be honest was to try and get rid of my feelings for you but they never left, and I was also sacred about what my dad would think of me if he knew I liked boy's but once I told him he was actually ok with it." "say what now." "which part."

"the first part silly." "that I like you." "why didn't u just tell me sooner I would of been ok with it since I have liked u longer anyway." "like I said I was sacred." "I know but now at least u have told me and that I also like you so if u would be ok with it that we start dating." Max nods and hugs Charles, Charles laugh's at Max and hugs him, "this has to be the weirdest way to start dating but if it's you I don't really care about anything as long as I have u in my life."

"you are the reason why I smile again u know that." "I know that silly." Max hugs Charles more and hides his face in his arms, "we shall tell our parents first but only when u are ready to tell them." "my parents know already that I like u and they were the ones who said I could do what I wanted so no need to tell my parents we only need to tell ur parents." Charles nods.

a few days had gone by and it was now summer brake, Max was back home in the Netherlands to visit his mother and sister for a while. Charles on the other hand was doing nothing since his mom was so busy with the hair dresser shop she owned, his older brother Lorenzo was away in the US doing work and his younger brother Arthur was busy with his own friends.

Charles tried to get hold of his other friends but they were also busy. Charles was really lonely since there was no one to talk to and nothing to do. Charles had ended up messaging Max by mistake thinking it was Pierre but when Max got the message and read it he felt bad. when Max shown the message to his mother and sister they told him to go to Charles but he insisted he would not go because he hardly gets to spend time with his mother and sister,

"Max just go to him, I know u miss being with him." "no I won't go because I am here with u guys." "Max for the love of god just go to him, and don't say ur staying here because of us, I heard u crying last night for him so just go would u please." Max knows Victoria was right but he misses his mom and sister when he is away and he was conflicted on what to do. "Max u can always come and see us when ever u want when u can u know that."

"I know but its hard with all of the racing this is why I want to retire now but I also can't retire im so confused." "we know but just go to him and we will think of something, remember u will be back here soon anyway for ur home race." "or I can just send my jet for Charles and bring him here." "do that then, just please spend more time with him."

Charles got a message from Max telling him to pack his things and get to the airport in 2 hours since he is sending his jet for him. Charles was confused but agreed to it, so he packs his things and made it to Nice airport and went onboard the jet. once he arrived in Netherlands Max was there to greet Charles, "how was the flight." "it was nice I think I need to buy a jet for my self."

"no need u can use mine we are dating after all and I don't mind letting u use it for what u need to." "thanx babe." the both of them got into the car after Charles placed his suitcase in the boot of the car and Max drove back to his mothers house. that night Max, Charles, Sophie, Victoria, her husband and kids were all sat around the fire pit roasting marshmallows and singing songs. after a few hours of fun everyone was now in bed, everyone but Max and Charles, they both of them were in bed but just not asleep they both of them were still wide awake and talking about random thing's.

The End

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