The boxer and the F1 driver

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Max is a 3 time champion of boxing, and he is sponsored by Red Bull and was aiming for his forth title, as the boxing season is coming to a start Max was currently doing his training with his trainer. Charles on the other hand is a Formula one driver and driving for Red Bull this season, he is a 3 time world champion, he was going to stay in Ferrari but because of how bad the team was with him that his mental health was dropping more and more each time,

so when coming into his 11th season he decided that since his contract with Ferrari was coming to an end he would go to a new team. when Charles was looking at the contracts he had been given he knew that there were two teams who were going to give him his other title wins, and the teams were Red Bull or Mercedes, without thinking much he decided to pick up the Red Bull contract and took it to his manager.

after Charles signed the contract he felt so more happy that he had moved from Ferrari, and was getting away from the team. the first Boxing match of the season was on going and everyone was exited, to see who would win. Max was in his locker room doing his warm ups with his trainer, "he is here." "huh who is." "make it they are all here." "who is they." "the F1 drivers." "how I only invited one." "well I might of decided I would invite all of them here as ur guests." "of course u did." "and ur on in 2 so finish up." Max nods.

when the boxing match was done Max won and was feeling really happy about it since he had never won against this person before so this felt really special to him, Max was walking back to his locker room and when he opened the door it was dark so he turned the light on and that's when everyone shouted congratulations to him, "why all of this." "because u finally beat that prick who made u look stupid after last time." Max laugh's and shakes his head. "ok everyone out of here I need to get changed and then we can go celebrate my way."

everyone nods and left Max's locker room, after Max got changed and went to everyone they left to head over to the club, for the whole night everyone was partying. the next morning Max wakes up with a hang over and when he moved to sit up he had kicked someone off the bed and that person groaned, "what the fuck." "sorry." Lando sits up and seen Max, "why the fuck am I in ur bedroom." "I don't know." Charles was the next one to wake up and look around the room,

"what the fuck." "we don't know so don't ask." "wasn't going to." Charles stands up and then someone yells, "MOTHER FUCKER U STOOD ON MY HAND." "sorry I didn't know u where there." Pierre stands up and looks at the other's, "before u ask we have no clue why we are in Max's room." "why is my head hurting." everyone turned to see who spoke and

Oscar was on the floor on Max's side of the bed." "who else is here." "let me check the bathroom." Oscar holds his head and went to the bathroom door and opened it to see Carlos in the bathtub looking lost. "Carlos is in the bathtub." Max laughs and goes to where Oscar was and took a pic. "let's see who else is my apartment. everyone followed max and they went into the living room and seen most of the drivers there, "ok they are there but we are missing 4."

"who are we missing." "Checo, Lewis, Seb and Kimi." just then Kimi walks into the living room not bothered, "well one is found." "u guys are wild when u drink." "u can tell us in a minute we need to find Seb, Lewis and Checo." "Seb and my self are fine we didn't drink he is in one of the guest bedrooms we used." "ok just need to find Lewis and Checo." Lando opens the balcony door and laugh's,

"found Checo." the others made their way to where Lando was stood and seen Checo on the pool floaty sound asleep." and they start laughing, "and here I thought he could handle his drinks I guess I was wrong about that." one down one to go. Max went around the house to look for Lewis and when he went to check the rooftop he had he laughs before making his way back to the other's, "found him." "where is he." "follow me." by this point everyone who was in the living room and balcony were up and followed Max.

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