Chapter 20: Phione dew

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As Elton nervously asked about Manaphy's condition, Togedemaru and Komala tearfully explained that their precious baby woke up one day with a high fever and hasn't been responsive since, only thrashing about every hour.

Farfetch'd, looking grave, confirmed that Manaphy indeed had a severe fever. Alex tried to touch Manaphy's head to check the temperature, but the intense heat made him recoil in pain.

Farfetch'd informed Team Awesome that despite sending half the guild for various medicines, nothing seemed to work. Elton, anxious to help, inquired if there was anything they could do.

At that moment, Farfetch'd had an idea and asked Togedemaru and Komala about where they found the egg that hatched into Manaphy.

As the parents explained that they found the egg at Seablor Cave in the state of Sariel, Farfetch'd sighed with a bit of relief before sharing some information.

He revealed that in that area, many witnesses reported sightings of a very elusive and shy yet wondrous Pokémon. These Pokémon were said to possess the ability to produce a special type of medicine that could heal nearly every ailment, second only to the Sacred Ash.

Upon hearing this, the parents' faces lit up with hope, but soon their expressions turned sad again as they mentioned that the location was too far away and that Manaphy might not survive another day.

Farfetch'd finally mentioned the creature's name, Phione, noting that they look like Manaphy but with some differences. However, he added that he wasn't entirely sure if Phione truly existed; they were merely myths.

As Farfetch'd looked down in sadness, the parents, now having lost all hope, tearfully apologized to the baby Manaphy. Alex couldn't help but feel a deep sympathy for them and the poor Manaphy's plight.

As Alex continued observing Manaphy's condition and witnessed the sorrow of its distraught parents, he couldn't help but empathize deeply. It was as if he could somehow understand their pain, almost as if a distant memory or experience resurfaced in his heart, evoking a profound sense of sympathy and connection.

With determination in his eyes, Alex tensed up and instructed Elton to get the cellphone. He planned to call Andrea so she could take them to Seablor Cave with her private jet.

Elton's face lit up at the idea, but Farfetch'd intervened and suggested he had a better plan. He asked them to wait there as he left the room, leaving Alex and Elton in suspense.

As the group waited anxiously for Farfetch'd to return, each passing moment felt like an eternity until finally, he emerged holding a small, intriguing device in his wings.

Farfetch'd handed over the small device to Alex, explaining its capabilities. "This is a prototype teleportation device, still in its testing phase. It can take you anywhere in Siril, a creation by our scientists as the President sent us one to help him test it."

Excited murmurs filled the air until Farfetch'd interrupted, "But remember, it's not without risks. It's still experimental. Who knows if no side effects will occur."

Alex and Elton shared a look of determination, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We accept the risk," they said in unison. "Manaphy needs us now more than ever."

Without further hesitation, Farfetch'd input the coordinates for Seablor Cave, and the duo activated the device. In a blink, they vanished, leaving behind hopeful prayers from Farfetch'd for their safe arrival and success in finding the mythical Phione.

Fortunately, Alex and Elton successfully landed in Seablor Cave using the teleportation device. They wasted no time celebrating their safe arrival before setting out on their quest to find Phione. This journey would have taken them half a month if traveled conventionally and hours if Andrea took them, but thanks to the teleportation device, they arrived instantly.

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