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"everyone stay down and quiet. No whispers or crying. Its life or death. We went to a place that got over run by these people and we found no survivors. We dont want to be like that. Daryl be ready to kill if the find the door." rick whispers. Daryl gets his crossbow really and aims up. Beth crawls over to him and leans on his arm. He puts his arm around her. "im sorry" he whispers. "we can get married whenever as long as we're alive its ok" beth whispers. He holds her with his left arm while he has his crossbow ready in his right.

Carol looks at them and every time beth looks over she looks down. Beth looks away when she hears foot steps and holds Daryl tight. There are voices. "i dont understand. Theres nothing brok but a window and theres solar panels and there was a fence, but there is no people and no food. Why would someone run? From here. Boss is gonna be pissed." one man says "but the pictures look exactly like this and we got it from that purse thing." another guy says. "i dont know. I don't care. Lets go back." the first guy said.

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