Worex (ship name)

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Bobby had been quiet for a few seconds, staring into Alex's eyes. He suddenly saw Alex sit himself up right and clear his throat in his usual awkward manner.

"Sorry uh..forget i said that. Or- anything in fact"

Bobby grabbed his arm, pulling him back and kissing Alex deeply. They kissed for a few minutes before Bobby pulled away and looked at him.

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you." Alex replied with a happy grin spread across his face.

Alex wasn't the type of person to say "I love you too". He'd rather repeat someone and say "I love you". It was his way of giving them the love he has to offer, not the love that they have to offer. Like telling them that he loves them in his own little way, not any other, or anyone else's, way.

"Wait but..aren't you with that Bryce girl?" Alex asked, his grin staying regardless of how worried he was over this.

"I am, but i'm polyamorous." Bobby replied.

There was short silence. Alex fiddled with the sleeves of Bobby's latex suit.

"So, Alex, will you be my boyfriend?"

He watched as Alex looked up and grinned wider than he already was (shockingly) as he nodded quickly and excitedly.

"Yes! God, i'd want nothing more!"

Bobby chuckled as Alex giggled like a little girl, throwing himself into Bobby's arms. Bobby held him tight, rocking back and forth slightly before looking at him.

"Did you have anywhere we could go?" He asked.

"We can crash at mine?" Alex replied. "Its not far from here..."

"Yours it is."

Alex grinned as he sat himself up, getting out the car and rushing to the other side to open the for for Bobby. He climbed out and gave Alex a grin, calling him a gentleman in a playful manner. He sat in the passenger seat as Alex sat in the drivers seat an drove to his house.

After about 10 minutes of flirting and teasing with each other, Alex had parked outside his house and led Bobby to his front door. He fumbled for his keys and unlocked the door, keeping the door open for Bobby before even helping himself in.

"Here it is! I'm sorry it isn't as good as the big house you're used to..."

"No, its better. We're more closer together here." Bobby interrupted him, kissing his cheek and walking inside.

Alex smiled warmly and followed after him, closing and locking the door before looking back at Bobby who was scanning everything with his eyes, fascinated. Alex hung his bag and other belongings on a rack before taking off his shoes, Bobby politely copying him.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's cosy, i could get used to this place easily." Bobby winked at him.

He took his waist, so gently that you would think he was scared to break Alex. He really just knew he wasn't good with recognising his own strength and tends to be rough without meaning.

"You hungry?" Alex asked, wrapping his arms around Bobby's neck.

"For you, definitely. But i'll take food too." Bobby grinned at him.

"Haha very funny. You big tease." Alex smiled happily and leaned close to place a slow kiss on Bobby's lips before leading Bobby over to his kitchen. "What do you eat?"

"Anything, surprise me."

"Ohh fun!" Alex smiled excitedly and grabbed all of the crockery out, starting to make Bobby something nice.

Alex seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn't know anything about cooking and would end up burning the fucking water but really, he was far from it. Before moving out and getting a place of his own, Alex live with his grandma who would force him to cook and bake. She said it was a way of bonding. Although Alex pretended to hate every moment, he genuinely loved cooking, especially with grandma. He's spent night in his kitchen since, self teaching himself how to cook in hopes of cooking for someone special in the future. His hard work was finally paying off.

A few minutes later, Alex had finished cooking Bobby's meal (use your imagination) and was dishing it out for him. Bobby was sitting on the couch until he shot up and walked to the kitchen and to Alex. He wrapped his arms securely around Alex's waist from behind and saw Alex look up and smile at him.

"You like?" Alex asked

"It smells fucking amazing, bet it tastes even better." Bobby's arms slowly dropped, allowing Alex to move.

"Wanna find out?" Alex smiled sweetly and slid the dish to his left as he grabbed Bobby a fork.

Bobby took the fork and took some of the food onto it, placing it in his mouth as Alex watched him. His eyes widened as he chewed before taking another mouthful with a pleased hum. Alex grinned proudly and sat himself on the counter beside the plate, admiring Bobby as he ate.

After Bobby had ate the food, he had picked Alex up from the counter, causing Alex to giggle.

"Where's your room?" Bobby asked.

"Oh? You want more?~" Alex replied with a smirk.

"As hard as it is to turn such an amazing offer down, not this time pretty boy."

Alex smiled and pointed towards his bedroom, Bobby walking in the direction he gave him and setting Alex gently on his bed.

"You wear anything to bed?" Bobby asked as he looked at Alex who was pulling his shirt off. Underneath his shirt, he wore a white vest.

"Just a vest and boxers, don't you?" Alex replied, slightly muffled by his shirt around his head.

Bobby chuckled and helped him, smoothing down his hair for him as Alex smiled softly and pulled his pants off.

"I do, but there's nothing but boxers under this latex suit, you fine with that?" Bobby soon replied.

"Completely fine, I've seen you in less clothing." Alex winked.

He helped Bobby unzip his suit and slip it off before pulling him under the covers with him. Bobby laid on his back and pulled Alex onto him, Alex laying on his stomach on top of Bobby. He lowered his head onto Bobby's chest and sighed happily, his arms wrapping around him. Before they fell asleep, they both managed to mumble to each other.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you, Bobby."

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