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Alex had woke before Bobby, rubbing his eyes awake and stretching carefully, making sure to not wake Bobby up. He looked up to see Bobby, smiling softly as he dropped his head back against Bobby's chest to listen to his heartbeat.

After 5 minutes, Alex felt Bobby's breathing become lighter as he woke up and let out a long yawn, cursing under his breath. Alex lifted his head up and looked back up at Bobby who was already looking back down at him. He smiled again.

"Morning handsome." Alex mumbled, kissing Bobby's chin gently.

"Morningg..." Bobby replied, his voice a bit raspier than usual.

"Sleep well?"

"Very well, probably the best sleep I've gotten in a while."

Alex chuckled and played with Bobby's hair, twirling and running his fingers through it. The two of them talked sleepily for a while, exchanging kisses and flirting playfully. Eventually they managed to pull themselves out of bed thanks to Alex offering to make the both of them breakfast.

Alex immediately started bringing out the equipment he'd need for the cooking. After all ingredients were there, he started to make them both pancakes.

They sat down and ate their pancakes together as Alex started to talk with his mouth full. He covered it with his hand to be polite.

"So i have something planned for us today. Hopefully you like musicals?"

Alex took something from his pocket and placed it in front of Bobby's plate for him to see. It was two tickets to go and watch Rocky Horror Picture Show live. Bobby gasped dramatically and looked at him.

"NO FUCKING WAY." Bobby exclaimed.

"Yes fucking way handsome." Alex replied with a cheesy grin on his face.


"I love you too! Oh and after, you can choose where we go. If you wanted to go anywhere afterwards?"

"Thank you pretty boy, this means so much. I owe you."

"You owe me nothing, now eat them pancakes before i eat them for you."

They both finished their pancakes and placed them in the sink. Alex went back to the table and grabbed the tickets for the pair.

"Ready to go?" Alex said before looking over his shoulder at Bobby.

"Mhm, come on." Bobby replied as he held Alex's arm gently, kissed the top of his head and grabbed his demonias, slipping them on his feet. Alex did the same and opened the door for Bobby. They made their way to the car and Alex drove off.

Alex was probably rambling about musicals to Bobby like a nerd. Bobby never minded though, he got to see Alex happy AND have an excuse to listen to his voice for a while. There was something about Alex's voice that Bobby adored; he found it soothing and comforting in a way he couldn't describe. He watched and listened to Alex the whole car journey with a fat smile on his face. He didn't acknowledge the smile he was giving Alex, he was too busy admiring every aspect of him and falling deeper and deeper in love as Alex went on. He absorbed everything Alex said like a sponge and locked it in his mind so Alex wouldn't ever have to repeat himself. He was willing to learn about Alex's interests and be that person Alex can excitedly dump information onto.

As they finally arrived at the theatre, Alex excitedly got out, Bobby following after him. He wrapped an arm protectively around Alex's waist as they both walked inside the theatre together. They walked to the ticket booth.

Its more than that.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن