14. The ritual of redemption

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Anisha and Deek were roaming in the forest. They crossed the tall scary trees and finally reached the village. Anisha got into her little cottage. She lived alone and she loved her life.

Anisha met Deek in a case in which Deek was removing a possessed spirit from a child. Deek works on children exorcism. Anisha who was an expert in possession and exorcism joined with Deek.

They wanted to solve this palace history but they never got a chance because the palace gates never opened for anyone. Now they know why it opened for Freen and Becky.

Anisha and Deek got into their private room. Anisha paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, her mind consumed by worry. Deek leaned against the wall, her expression grave as she watched her friend.

"Anisha, you need to calm down," Deek said, her voice soft yet firm. "We'll find a way to save them. Together."

Anisha stopped her pacing and turned to face her friend, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "But what if we're too late? What if Freen and Becky are already..."

She couldn't bring herself to say the words, the fear gripping her heart like a vice.

Deek stepped closer to her, her hand reaching out to gently grasp Anisha's. "We won't let that happen," she said, her voice steady and reassuring. "We've faced worse odds before, and we've always come out on top. We'll find a way to rescue them, no matter what it takes."

Anisha's shoulders sagged with relief, the weight of her friend's words lifting the heavy burden of uncertainty from her heart. Tears of gratitude welled in her eyes as she realized she wasn't alone in this daunting journey. For all her doubts and fears, she knew that she could always count on Deek to be there for her when she needed her the most.

"Thank you, Deek," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Deek smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings for her friend. "You'll never have to find out," she said, her voice filled with unwavering conviction. "We're in this together, Anisha. Always."

And with that, they clasped hands, drawing strength from each other as they prepared to face the challenges ahead. Anisha packed the stuff required for the exorcism they're doing. Deek helped her. Their urgency propelled them back to the palace, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the forest. However, their progress was abruptly halted as unseen forces converged to block their path, their journey fraught with unexpected obstacles.

Everything around them was stoping them. As they were close to the palace Trees. A huge branch was about to fall on Deek when Anisha pushed her. They were saved. They both sighed in relief!

They stepped through the towering gates of the palace, the imposing structure casting long shadows that seemed to swallow them whole. The air inside was thick with an eerie stillness, the silence punctuated only by the faint echo of their footsteps as they navigated the dimly lit corridors. They reached the room safely. Sani saw Deek and hugged her immediately. Deek said "What happened to Freen?"

Sani said "She was about to open the door so I hit her and made her sleep,"

Anisha said "Good let her sleep for a while we'll arrange for the sacrifice."

Deek nodded and said, 'Ok, Sani, look after Freen. Ani and I will arrange for the sacrifice. If Freen wakes up, bring her to us,' she instructed, her tone firm yet reassuring.

Sani nodded. Deek and Anisha was arranging for the sacrifice. They took two beds 🛏️ together laid beside each other with gap and they made a circle around it with holy powder. Anisha sat in front of it with her Bhagvatgeeta and Deek sat on the opposite side facing Anisha with her Bible. Sani came with Freen. Now that Freen was awake she walked herself and came to them.

Anisha said "Ok I'll bring Becky. Freen lay down on the left bed."

Freen nodded. Anisha opened Becky's door and Becky suddenly attacked on her with a scissors. She stabbed her shoulder. Anisha winced and gritted her teeth in pain as she clutched her wounded shoulder, the sharp sting of the scissors' blade sending waves of agony through her. But she managed to control Becky. She took her to the bed and tied her with help of Deek. Sani bought the first aid box. Becky and Freen's one hand was tied to each other to connect them in the spirit world.

Finally Anisha rolled the holy thread around Freen and Becky's hand. Deek gave a Saltire Cross to Freen. She held her hand and said her to be careful with a concerned voice. They stared at each other comforting each other to be safe.

Anisha's shoulder was bleeding. Deek immediately took the first aid box from Sani and cleaned it. Everything was set for the sacrifice .


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