Chapter 3: Otherworldly Diplomacy

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Calyston Kingdom, Uleria, January 30, 2025/719

For 300 years, Calyston Kingdom, predominantly populated by humans, had stood as a bastion of peace. Its capital, Uleria, was akin to medieval Krakow, Poland, bustling with over 408,000 citizens. However, the kingdom was now facing a looming conflict with the Zerusian Imperium, an empire dominated by beastmen who harbored a deep-seated animosity towards humanity.

Seated on the throne within the Palace of Uleria was King Iril Renvous, a man in his late 40s known for his virtues and devotion to his family. However, sleep eluded him ever since he learned of Zerusia's advance towards their borders, threatening war upon his relatively weak kingdom.

Then, the throne room's doors creaked loudly, causing King Iril to snap his head towards the intruder. A cloaked messenger rushed in, panting heavily from his run, and knelt before the king. King Iril looked down at the messenger with surprise in his eyes.

"Your Highness! Urgent news!" the messenger announced loudly, still catching his breath.

King Iril sighed, anticipating the news. "Speak," he commanded in his raspy voice.

The messenger gulped before producing a dirty-looking scroll from his cloak. "Your Majesty, our Dragon Riders have spotted five black objects sailing swiftly towards the capital's port! According to the report, two of the large objects are nearly a quarter of the size of Uleria, while the other three are smaller but still sizable. They appear to be made of steel!" the messenger relayed, eliciting a shocked expression from the King.

"What!? How is that possible? Is it the Imperium?" King Iril panicked, fearing an invasion by the Zerusian Imperium from the sea.

"No, sire. According to the report, one of the large black objects was flying a red and gold flag with an eagle in the center. It is not the Imperium's traditional black flag, so it is not from the Imperium. Additionally, the dragon rider reported that he was spotted by the objects, and the people on board, wearing black clothing, simply waved at him. It appears that the objects may have peaceful intentions," the messenger reassured King Iril, earning a sigh of relief from the king.

King Iril stood up from his throne and descended the stairs. "If that's the case, welcome them. I must meet them in the Royal Garden," he announced, walking out of the throne room accompanied by four guards and the messenger.

As he traversed the long hallway, he glanced out of a window to his right. There, he saw the sight the messenger had described-five massive black steel objects floating on the water, approaching the capital's port. They were much larger than anticipated, especially the two in the center, surrounded by the three smaller but still sizable ones. They resembled floating steel fortresses.

King Iril's eyes widened in shock as he quickened his pace. In 14 minutes, he emerged from the palace and headed towards the palace's garden. There, many beautiful and colorful flowers of different shapes and sizes were planted, with gardeners taking care of them.

"Father!" a voice called from a distance. It was Princess Pella Renvous, the King's third daughter, a beautiful woman of 17, soon to turn 18 next month, wearing a posh blue dress with blonde hair.

King Iril looked down at his daughter with a concerned expression. "My daughter, what's wrong?" he inquired.

Princess Pella caught her breath, adjusting her dress and demeanor before speaking. "Father, I saw five huge black floating objects at sea, waving an unknown flag! I think it's the Imperium invading!" she exclaimed in a panic.

King Iril sighed, calming his daughter. "No, my dear, it's not the Imperium invading. They are simply visitors, I hope," he reassured her.

He thought for a moment, placing a hand on his chin, before an idea struck him. He placed a hand on his daughter's head and spoke, "How about we go greet our visitors?" he offered Princess Pella.

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