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You were the person I longed for everyday.

You were the first person I thought of whenever I thought of love.

You were the first person I went to whenever I had good news.

You were my 1st choice.

And I never was.

You left me perplexed and all alone with my thoughts even after you knew I had experience this before and even after you knew how it made me feel.

You knew my wounds and used them against me.

You ripped them open and left me bleeding on the floor while I cried to myself, blaming myself for what happened.

You knew what happened to me.

You knew about my scars and battles.

But turns out I didn't know you at all.

You came into my life and stayed for a year.

Gave me everything I ever wanted then snatched away within a day.

You know how much people have hurt me the same way you are doing now.

So why did you do it?

Even if it's literally so clear what had happened why do I still find it hard to believe?

Why do I still care about you?

What I hate the most is I know a mere apology from you can make me forgive you and forget about all the pain I felt.

And I hate you for making me the fool I am.

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