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I make sure that everyone is happy.

I comfort anyone who needs comforting,

I give out compliments or do stuff that would make one happy,

I make sure everyone is comfortable whenever I am spending time with them,

I make sure to listen and hype up anyone who needs it,

I put a smile on everyone's faces.

And I enjoy it, making others happy and comfortable makes me feel warm on the inside.

But who will be there for me when I'll need it?

Who will be there when I am sitting on the floor crying my heart out to the point where my mind is too busy to remember to breathe?

Who will be there for me when my mind can't seem to think straight and ends up being overwhelmed?

Who was there for me?

No one, not because they don't care it's because I don't let them in since I am locked away in a cage far from the entrance.

I locked myself in and now I can't let myself out.

Who will come and free me?

Who will be my savior?

When will I be free again?

My patience is running out and it can be seen on my arms and wrist.

My hopes crushed bt the sounds of my cries every night,

And slaughtered by my numbness and thoughts.

Who will save me from me?

Who is the one who will wield the key that will let me out?

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