Chapter 21: Echoes of Darkness

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In the desolate atmosphere of a distant exoplanet, a massive blizzard raged, enveloping the frozen landscape in an icy embrace. The bitter cold and relentless snowfall made it a harsh and unwelcoming environment, seemingly devoid of life.

Within this frozen realm, an evil presence lurked—a shiny Celebi with malevolent intentions. Its emerald eyes glowed eerily against the backdrop of swirling snowflakes as it searched relentlessly for its target.

Meanwhile, Kevin, a battle-scarred Absol, pressed on through the unforgiving blizzard. His white fur blended seamlessly with the snow, providing him with a natural camouflage against the harsh conditions and potential threats.

The shiny Celebi, using its time-traveling powers, attempted to peer into the past to track Kevin's movements. However, the chaotic storm distorted the Celebi's vision, making it difficult to pinpoint Kevin's exact location.

Unbeknownst to the Celebi, Kevin had tapped into a mysterious force, a protective barrier that shielded him from detection. This unseen power not only concealed Kevin's presence but also guided him safely through the hazardous terrain, away from the prying eyes of his relentless pursuers—the shiny Celebi and the formidable Ultra Necrozma.

As the blizzard howled and the icy winds whipped through the desolate expanse, the stage was set for a high-stakes game of survival and evasion in the unforgiving wilderness of the distant exoplanet.

"Blast it! That blasted Absol has slipped through my grasp again!" Shiny Celebi roared in anger.

Shiny Celebi then teleports to another location, scanning the surroundings with a scowl

"Where did that cowardly shiny Absol vanish to? If he thinks he can escape me forever, he’s sorely mistaken!" Celebi shouted.

Back at the frozen planet, emerging from the biting snowstorm, Kevin the shiny Absol, battle-weary and determined, calls upon the only force that can save him now that Lunala has fallen. With a resolute gaze, he beckons the omnipotent voice, opening a shimmering portal to another world, seeking refuge and a chance to regroup against his relentless pursuers.


As shiny Celebi faces the wrath of the dark pixies for its incompetence, it recalls its past as a Time Traveling Guardian. Once, it roamed the streams of time, encountering other Celebis and visiting peaceful eras to find solace. Life was serene, and it reveled in the tranquility.

But everything changed with the great war that devastated Earth, leaving only a fraction of the population alive. As it witnessed the destruction and chaos across the planet, shiny Celebi felt a desire to help. However, with each attempt, disaster followed, and a darkness crept into its heart.

The tipping point came when shiny Celebi, with twisted intentions, deceived and harmed a family of lechonks. Instead of aid, it brought forth violent roots that drained their health, relishing in the suffering it caused.

By the time the dark pixies emerged and Future Earth faced its final moments, shiny Celebi had fully embraced the darkness it once sought to combat.

As Uxie revealed Kevin's whereabouts to the shiny Celebi, it felt a surge of anticipation and determination. Each step closer to finding Kevin meant getting closer to stopping him from acquiring the final instrument needed for its dark agenda.

With precise instructions akin to an expert tracker, Uxie guided the shiny Celebi to Kevin's location via a portal. Azelf told Celebi about the arrival of Ultra Necrozma shortly after it was done.

With a respectful bow, the shiny Celebi entered the portal and emerged at the destination. The sight that greeted it was surreal—a planet encircled by luminous crystals, remnants of Earth's cataclysm.

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