The moment his heart succumbed to love

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I had heard of the new girl who joined the prestigious school of Hogwarts. Though it never truly interested me. However, whispers and rumors bathed the Great Hall, until finally, Headmaster Dippet silenced the students and spoke.

"Students, please welcome our newest student; Serenity Wilton."

Then, the tall and menacing doors open and reveal the mysterious girl everyone talked about. Her appearance graced my eyes and I was left awestruck. The way her hair fell over her shoulders, the beautiful smile that laid on her perfect face and complimented her hazel eyes, and the way she elegantly walked down to sit on the chair that would determine the path of her future.

My heart raced, leaving my mind in confusion and intrigue in the girl who now sat with the Sorting Hat resting upon her delicate head.

After what seemed like minutes, the hat had finally spoke;


Our table claps and cheers, a few hands welcome and beckon her to join their side of the table, but she chose to sit in the empty spot next to me.

"Hello, I'm Serenity."

Her voice was soft and tender, but strong enough to peak my interest and make my soul burst with color.

"I'm Tom Riddle."

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