When he found her

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She left this unrelenting earth when she walked off the cliff and fell into the raging sea.

He cried that day, fell to his knees and begged the skies above to give back the one he so dearly loved. Guilt took over his malevolent desires, over what he thought he wanted, but it was this day, this tragic day when he realized all he wanted was her.

"I love you", was the last thing she said before the ground she stood on shifted, and her broken soul was engulfed in unforgiving waters. He couldn't save her, he couldn't tell her what he wanted to, everything that happened to her, happened because of him.

6 cruel years had passed after her death, and Tom Marvolo Riddle had never loved another after her. He continued his plans to prove himself, to be the most powerful sorcerer the wizarding world has ever seen, and his journey seems to be one of great success. Though he was only the young age of 24, having graduated Hogwarts 5 years ago, he carved his path to strike fear and respect into many powerful men and women, and prospered. He was well on his way to rule the desperate world he so proudly stood on.

Riddle was never one to love the conversation or the company of others, and loathed it even more once the only company he enjoyed was taken away from him. Yet he still made a last minute appearance at the Malfoy ball to initiate connections with all the influential minds willing to do anything to gain more than what they already have.

His focus unwavering, his charm eloquent, and his calculative mind steady and precise. Many women fawned over the mysterious man with dark hair falling over his mahogany and elusive eyes, persuaded with a simple smile that formed on graceful features. Yet they were blinded by the heavenly appearance to see the ill-favored intent lurking deep within his malignant soul. A wolf in sheep's clothing as they say.

It was not until she wandered into the refined ball did his world stand still. No eyes except for his turned to the beautiful girl who died 6 years ago. Her curly brown hair falling over her shoulders, her eyes golden and innocent, smile wide yet refined, and alluring white dress covering her body perfectly.

Was his eyes playing tricks on him? Riddle's heart yearned for her presence, and his mind had imagined her with him, talking to him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear as she once did. For 6 years did he see her familiar face in the corner of his eye, for 6 years did he smell rose and vanilla wherever he went, and it was 6 years ago did his tears fall for the girl that left too soon.

He watched as she smiled, as she twirled to the melody of classical music filling the Malfoy Manor, and as her gaze wandered, her smile dropped when her sweet eyes met his.

It's her.

Before he could even fathom her existence, she fell out of sight in the waves of people dancing and laughing with one another. He dashed to where she once was in hopes to see her one more time.

I'm not going to lose her again.

His thoughts filled with determination to find her in the vast crowd of the corrupted. Heads turned to the handsome man rushing to every part of the large Manor, as desperation fell on his gorgeous features.

He ran to every room, every corner of the library, and still no luck. Melancholy and heartache soon took over as each place lacked the one person he longed for, until one room proved fruitful. His breath halted, and heart raced when his gaze laid upon her. Her back was faced towards him as she seemed to look for an escape (lmfao).


As the sound of her name left his lips and filled her ears, she froze in her place and her gaze rested upon the tiled floor, unable to turn around and face him.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

She quietly responded, still refusing to turn around, knowing that if she did, all her work in disappearing from her overwhelming and burdensome life would be lost.


He called out softer, cautiously taking steps towards her as if a wrong move would make her disappear once more. As he reached her, he raised his arm and delicately took her hand in his. She swiftly turned to break his tender hold, eyes still looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about."

She repeated even quieter than the last, and pushed past him to leave the room. But her actions went in vain as he took hold of her hand again and pulled her into his embrace. His arms warmly wrapping her and head resting in the crook of her neck.

She lightly gasped and was going to attempt to break his hold before she heard his soft cries. She had never seen him cry before, and hearing his sorrowful whimpers wake the dead room rekindled her own soul that she left behind in the waves.

"I missed you, so much."

He admitted, and her eyes stung at the response.

"Why? You despised me, you were the one who told me to leave."

Her quiet voice cracked and heart screamed in agony and confusion at the touch of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"I-I'm sorry, I wish I could take it back and-and I didn't realize how much you meant to me and I know you can't forgive me but I can't lose you, not again."

He said with all the grief and regret he built up laced in his words, his body shaking as his tears continued to fall.

"But you've already lost me, Tom."

She whispered with her own tears threatening to fall, but she didn't allow them to, not after what happened. Rosalie left his embrace and looked at his teary face, his lips quivering and nose becoming red.

"No, please, please, don't leave me again, I-I can't do anything without you, there isn't a day that passes where I don't imagine you here with me, I love you, please."

He pleaded for her, his own heart breaking even more than it already has. He fell to his knees as he had 6 years ago, and looked up at her with desperation. She bent down to look at him tenderly, before placing her hand on his cheek and her gentle lips to his.

To him, it was everything, to her, it was goodbye.

She pulled away and her own tears finally fell, before her lips opened once more,

"I'm sorry my love."

And with that, she stood up and left the room, never turning back. He remained on his knees and looked down onto the floor. Bereavement and privation flowing through his veins all over again. Riddle's sorrow filled the room, pleading for her to come back, begging for her to be in his arms as she once had.

They were going to be each other's everything, they were going to live a life of joy and love, but here he was; facing the consequences of his choice to rule the world. Now he lives a life he no longer wants. Because all he wants, is her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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