The action that changed their future

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I walked with her down to the Black Lake, its body of water affected by the night. The lake seemed like a masterpiece painted by the goddess of the stars herself, as each and every speck of light danced on it, the moon laying still and bright.

We both watch the water in awe, admiring the way nature gracefully surrounded us with its presence.

Yet it was not the water or the sky above that caught my eye and made my heart soar, but the sight of her smiling at the scenery in front of her.

As her gaze with nature stays unbroken, I whisper..

"I love you."

The words slip out my mouth and dance into her ear, causing her to turn and face my stare.

Without warning, I step closer, my desire and admiration taking control of my actions. I lift my arm to hold her cheek, which then steadily moves to the back of her neck. My other arm finds its way around her waist, and I pull her closer until our bodies meet.

My fingers circle the back of her neck while I stare deep into the eyes that express confusion and the same admiration I have for her. So, wanting to express my inner feelings, I close my eyes and my face inches closer to hers.

Our lips meet and our longing rises uncontrollably. A yearn for more whispering in our ears each time our lips separate and join again. The desire to let the moment last for an eternity soon emerging from within us.

This is the moment where my heart falls into her hands, not the ones of power and fear, but the soft hands that now rest in mine.

this was quite embarrassing to write lmfao, but eh it's fine.

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