chapter 47

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Mrs lee (minji) and Mr lee (daehyung) just got back from work, it's 6:00am, you and the boys aren't aware that they're back though, you guys are still sleeping in your rooms but you and yoongi are sleeping in his room together. Your parents are in the living room talking

"I'll go check on the kids" minji says to daehyung

"Why? They aren't kids anymore'' daehyung asks, chuckling

"They are to me" minji retorted back, also chuckling

"The only kid in this house is y/n and Jungkook, which reminds me, I should probably go and check on my baby" daehyung says and starts walking upstairs, minji just sighed and rolls her eyes. Daehyung stands Infront of your room door and knocks on the door but no one responds, he knocks again but still no response. He slowly opens the door and peeks in but sees no one in the room

"Y-y/n?" He mumbled, furrowed brows, he went inside your room and sure enough, you weren't there. He went out of your room with confusion and fear written all over his face

"I'll just check the boys room, maybe she had a nightmare or something and couldn't sleep alone" daehyung assured himself. He went to Jungkook's door which was and he knocked, when he got no response, he opened the door to find only Jungkook in the room. He sighed and went to knock on jimin's room which was beside Jungkook's, he knocked and when he got no response, he opened the door and peeked in, only jimin Was there

You open your eyes and looked around you, you were in yoongi's room, in his bed and his embrace. You layed there and stare at his cute appearance. His mouth was slightly open and his hair messy like he had ran their hand through it many time but you were the one who had ran your hand through his hair countless times yesterday night. you smile shyly, remembering everything that happened yesterday night. You kissed his lips, nose and forehead.

Your smile slowly fades because you can't help but feel that you're forgetting something

"Oh shit, mum and dad are coming back this morning" you curse for the first time in your life

"Yoongi" you yell and yoongi slowly opens his eyes. "mum and dad are coming back this morning, what if they're already back?" You say all in one breath

Mr lee opens the door of yoongi's room after he knocked and heard no response. He peeked inside and saw you sleeping on yoongi's bed but you were not in his embrace, actually you both were sleeping far away from each other and yes you both were wearing clothes

Mr lee smiled "she must have had a nightmare"

He closed the door and then went back to his lovely wife

So sorry for not updating in a while 😢

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