chapter 48

715 33 5

Three weeks later

at school...

You and Jungkook walk into the school hallway and then you see Lisa and hyunjin leaning on your locker and talking. "Lisa" you yell, making Jungkook to also look towards her direction. Jungkook frowned immediately he saw hyunjin. Lisa and hyunjin smiled and waved at you to come over and you did, Jungkook followed you

"Hey" you say and hug both of them. "Hey jk" Lisa says to Jungkook, smiling and Jungkook smiles back "hey". Hyunjin looked at Jungkook and smiled but Jungkook simply rolled his eyes making hyunjin chuckle. "Have you guys decided which university you want to go to?" You ask Lisa and hyunjin and they nod

"I'm going to stay university" hyunjin says

"Oh that university, it's really nice" you say

"I'm going to army university I guess" Lisa says

"No way, I also want to go there" you say happily, you're going to go to the same university with your bestfriend, you're really sad that you hyunjin isn't coming to your university but you're not gonna force him, it's his choice and you respect that but at least one of your friends are going to the same university as you

"What of you Jungkook?" Lisa asks and everyone looks at Jungkook

"I'm going to y/n's university" Jungkook says with a shrug

"Wait wait, have you thought about it? Why do you want to go there?" You ask him

"Because you're there" he says softly

Lisa and hyunjin made eye contact them looked back at you and Jungkook with a teasing smile

"Don't you want to go to the university of your dreams?" You ask him, you don't want Jungkook to enter a university because of you, you want him to go to a university he likes

"You're my dream" Jungkook says, not caring about his surroundings anymore

You laugh nervously before glancing at hyunjin and Lisa who were watching you two with big smiles on their faces

"Uhmm, why don't we all just go to class.... Haha" you say and run off to class and Jungkook smiles at your cuteness before walking behind you.

Jungkook enters the classroom and some of the girls start checking him out as usual. You're already so tired of this, almost all the girls in this school wants your man and hell does it annoy you. You sigh and go to sit with Lisa and hyunjin at your usual seats. Jungkook was about to walk with you but seven girls surrounded him with either gifts or letters

"Jungkook you look so handsome today" song mia says and you glare at her, you slam your desk making Lisa and hyunjin flinch

"Uhmm, can you girls leave me alone" Jungkook tells them off coldly but no matter how rude this man is to them, they never listen

"Jungkookie, at least take this box of chocolates I bought for you" Jung Daniela who was wearing a ton of makeup says cutely, thing that made Jungkook almost puke. It's really annoying when these shameless sluts try to act cute

The girl was wearing A LOT OF MAKEUP, and Jungkook was thankful for how naturally beautiful you were, you never wore makeup but still easily out visualed every girl in school

Jungkook just rolled his eyes and ignored them and went over to where you were sitting and took a seat beside you

"Why did you slam your hand on the desk?" Jungkook asks, amused

"How do you know?" You asked him

"Haha... I think everyone in the class heard it y/nahh, it was so loud" he says and you immediately cover you face from embarrassment

"So you were jealous?" He asked, teasingly



You and Jungkook walk back home after school

"Baby, me and the boys have been thinking" Jungkook says, making you look up at him

"About what?"

"Let's tell mum and dad about our relationship"

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