Chapter 65 - Well ... you can't exactly stick with us -

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 It had been a couple of cycles with Lerona on board, heading away from the Bryx sector and floating just off the hyperspace lane back towards Tatooine. Lerona and Omega were getting along very well and soon enough the ship was filled with their laughter and shared stories. Omega told Lerona about growing up on Kamino with her brothers while Lerona shared even more about the temple on Felucia.

It would seem that the two were quickly sisters and shared many common interests such as exploring and being peace keepers in their social groups. Once they were comfortable Omega told Lerona all about you crushing on Tech and how her brother was still figuring out how to talk to girls. Lerona of course thought this was quite curious and once she knew, she watched Tech interactions with you much more intently. Lerona was a bit skeptical that you had move on from David so quickly but she did admit that it was possible. After watching you and Tech interact she acquiesced Tech was a decent partner although she had told Omega "your brothers good, but he wouldn't have a chance next to David".

This had left Omega offended because she thought highly of her brother and eventually Hunter had to break up the ensuing argument. The two had been going back and forth stating positive attributes of each guy and after they were separated you had heard Tech comment to Hunter "I know they were getting rowdy but I would like to see what further evidence Omega would present".

"Heh" Hunter chuckled "for such a reserved guy you got quite an ego".

"I simply know the true extent of my abilities. To under represent would be an injustice"

You stifled your laugh from across the room but Hunter heard you and started laughing which made Tech frown in his direction. Wrecker had started laughing gregariously and Tech just ignored you all and returned to his work.

Once the girls had calmed down from their argument Omega had asked if Lerona had any crushes while on Felucia. Naturally the Jedi apprentice was in denial about any romantic attraction but they did talk at length about Kael and Golrin. Kael had been a human boy from Lothal who was less mature then Lerona but strikingly handsome and very adept in his knowledge of defensive light saber techniques. Golrin, was a Mikkian with a deep orange skin tone and jade eyes who had been roughly the same age as Kael but far more mature and passive compared to his duel ready opponent.

Lerona had still been present when Golrin and Fenk fal-cona had left to aid in the defense of the main Jedi temple on Coruscant and it would appear she was just as hopeful about their survival as you were. She and Omega were sitting in the middle area working on Gonky's electrical panel when Lerona had started to talk about her missing friends. You were seated at the computer station nearby, and Hunter was also working on his own project nearby but closer to the bunks. Tech and Wrecker were up front no doubt having another argument about some food – the last one being about if a burrito and a taco were actually two distinguishable different foods.

"I know they still have to be out there somewhere." Lerona explained to Omega "Master Fal-cona is sharp and quick thinking and Golrin has a strong connection to the force. Between the timing of the temple battles and their abilities, I know they must be alive".

"Then maybe we'll find them. Like we found you" Omega added on and Lerona just smiled "maybe, but I hope they are safely hidden away".

Silence took hold of the conversation as they continued putting the electrical wiring back in place and for a moment you watched them just focus on their work from your seat in front of the computer.

"what do you plan to do?" Omega asked breaking Lerona's focused silence.

The Jedi apprentice shrugged "I was doing alright just picking up odd jobs and filling in where I could. Managed to stay out of some 'questionable' places, but now that I'm here . . . I think I'd rather just settle down some place. Work is easy to find, depending where you land, and I'm old enough to get my foot into the door of a farm or something like that I guess."

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