Chapter 11: Labyrinth Illusions

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Evealyn finds herself face to face with towering walls of books from floors to ceiling. Twist and turns of narrow paths, if the twins were to walk alongside her it would have been a tight squeeze. Lamps along the sides, with flames but no candles lighting the way rather well. Evealyn feeling a bit disoriented and anxious that she might be lost. Unable to tell her right from her left at this point or where she had already been.

Always having to turn back once she's bumped into a dead end, but all the shelves look the same. In Front of her beside her all she sees is shelves "Am i really lost?" Evealyn never expected to go this deep into the labyrinth of books, only thinking to stay at the edge of the stares. However due to her curiosity and figuring that she might find the best information by delving deeper.

Starting to think that she might have made a mistake, now she has no idea which way is forward and which way is back. Feeling that it was a good idea to have left Misty behind, especially with the fact that she'd almost been strangled to death by a disembodied pair of eyes.

At least she thinks it might be disembodied not knowing what form it could have lurking in that dark void following it. Not understanding why it was so hostile towards her, wondering if it might be different from a spirit. What she does know is that she never wishes to encounter it again.

"Maybe it was a different type of creature" Not sure how it was able to make her feel like she was on the brink of death with an illusion. Would much rather not find out, having other things to worry about. Evealyn almost forgot what she came in there for, finding it hard to navigate. "I'll have to figure my way out later." Evealyn takes a rest from walking when she is faced with another dead end.

The shelves had no indication of what was the nature of the content laying within each book. The books themselves seem to be a mystery with their spines also having no labeling. Evealyn decides not to think about it, feeling as if she's wasted enough time as it is. Figuring that she should choose at random as the others might come looking for her.

"Ah, this one looks promising."

The cover consists of gold pieces all intricately melded all over the cover to the edges. Twisting and tangled into vines, aged with dark spots, leaves that remind her of poison ivy. Evealyn finds the cover beautiful like it belonged to that of a fantasy novel she once read. Yet amidst the beautiful design there was no title anywhere to indicate what the book was about. Opening up the book on the first page in bold cursive lettering wrote the word. "Herbeinia" the lines of the letters were like vines.

Curious as to what may await her reading it turns to the first page. Her curiosity turned to confusion after reading a few lines. "A story about a plant?" Not too thrilled with her finding, wondering if it was some sort of introduction. Flipping over to the next page. "You have got to be kidding me." Evealyn unimpressed as the book was just page after page of stories centered around plants and herbs.

With beautifully drawn illustrations of each on different sections of the pages. Detailed descriptions above them about the meaning of each plant and herb. "A storybook, of all the books I chose a story book." Figuring that her first grab was a fluke decides to grab another one a little higher this time.

Just as the other one before it had a beautifully intricate design. An anatomically correct heart in the center, copper thorn vines wrapped around it. However, it seemed to hold it so gently within its embrace. Again no title at the front or the spine opening to the first page. "Wealnica'' the lettering in the shape of syringes. Starts going from page to page to find stories of people who have been plague with ailments or had people they know plague with ailments and multitudes of worries. Venturing off into unknown lands discovering a cure for them and the treatments that had been used. "Again seriously?"

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